Just found out I’m 2-3 weeks pregnant

@hopefulchristiana I'm in a similar boat. I'm (33) 8 weeks pregnant with my first, and pregnancy has been extremely hard, and I'm struggling to imagine 32 more weeks of this. I'm not worried at all about actually being a mom, this pregnancy was planned, and my husband and I are definitely ready for the responsibility.

I couldn't even imagine I'd been feeling as awful as I am now. No one talks about some of the worst symptoms or prepares you at all for how emotionally difficult pregnancy can be. I know everyone's pregnancy is different, so hopefully you have a much easier time than me.
@hopefulchristiana Congratulations!

Nobody can tell you what to expect unfortunately!! Every pregnancy is so so different.

My first 2 I had no problems working, even with severe sickness symptoms. I finished at 30 weeks with my first (my waters went early and I was admitted to hospital, stayed there for nearly 8 weeks in the end). I finished at 36 weeks with my 2nd, again early delivery! Both of these I could have worked until at least 37 weeks I think, if they hadn't come early.

This is my 3rd (I'm 38 now), and I have struggled. Work has been touch and go, my final year of uni is absolutely dire, and I was on partial bed rest for a few weeks.

The hardest parts for me is always the morning sickness. I tend to have sickness throughout, even into the third trimester. And the tiredness and brain fog this time has been horrendous.

I've been really lucky that work has been really great with me having to take some time. I would let someone know as soon as possible, so that any support you need is there.
@hopefulchristiana I feel the same way! I’m 33, also my first time being pregnant. People keep asking me if I am scared for having a baby but I’m not scared for that, I’m scared about pregnancy and childbirth.

I am 7 weeks 3 days and so far I have nausea, food aversions, my sense of smell has skyrocketed, and occasional cramping.

The thing that gives me the most anxiety is when I have symptoms for a few days and then one day I will wake up feeling totally normal with no symptoms at all. Those days I kind of freak out a little but with some research, I found out that everyone is so different, you never know what you’re going to feel so I’m trying not to focus on a lack of symptoms.

As far as work goes, so far I am doing well with work, my managers are very understanding and some of my coworkers are very supportive as well so that makes it easier when I’m feeling bad at work to just go and take a minute to rest and reset. I can say that I am exhausted after a day of work, I work in retail so I’m up on my feet for 7.5 hrs a day at least, my legs start hurting a lot after 3 hours of standing so that is something to adjust to and soon I will be asking my doctor for a chair accommodation so I can rest between customers.

When I get home, I elevate my feet and sometimes do a lavender epsom salt foot bath if it was a really bad day. That helps a lot!

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