just found out my baby is sunny side up

@fairydustlady My baby was sunny side up until 5 minutes before they had me start pushing. As a last ditch effort they had me lay on my side with the peanut ball for an hour to try to get her to rotate and it worked!
@fairydustlady We didn’t know my baby was sunny side up until my c-section, I had been stuck at 8cm for hours so they went ahead with it. He had been starting to get a little cone head up there 😂I think if I had been granted a little more time to relax and dilate I might have been able to birth him vaginally but who knows really. Birth can be unpredictable
@fairydustlady My kiddo was sunny-side up and everything was fine. Labor definitely hurt more than I think it would have otherwise (it was more back brain than contraction pain) and was a bit longer than it might have been, but it wasn't unbearable. I still got the peaceful water birth at home that I wanted and I had no tearing. My midwife has to break my water for me (I was progressing really slowly before that, took me 12 hours to get from a 7 to an 8) but he was born about two hours after that.

It definitely changes things, but it's absolutely not the end of the world. There are also things you can do leading up to and during labor to help baby rotate into a better position like rebozo repositioning (linked below)

@fairydustlady My baby was born sunny side up. No one knew though because my labor progressed quickly and it only took 30 min of pushing to get her out. I did tear 2nd degree in some places, but ultimately had a peaceful and successful delivery. They did tell me that if she was facing the right way, I’d probably have pushed her out in like 5 min 😂

PS: also, your baby can still turn. There are some things you can do to try to position them. Spinning Babies has some tips on this!
@fairydustlady I had no idea my daughter was Sunnyside until she was already out. My labour was "easy". Water broke at 9am, I had manageable contractions until I got to the hospital. I had an epidural and hardly felt anything until I was fully dilated and then it was mostly a big pressure. Pushing was okay. I'll say that even with the epidural I had a lot of pain during the final few pushes. I got a second degree tear. I only pushed for 45 minutes though and the pain was maybe the last 10. Baby was born at 7pm, so it was a 10 hour labour. No major complications or interventions.

I will say though, because she was Sunnyside she was quite bruised on her face from her contact with my pelvic bone. In pictures from her first few days she looks like she has jaundice, but it's all yellow bruising. The swelling she had was in her face as well, instead of the back of her head.
@fairydustlady I’m a sunny side up mom (also as a first time mom). Labor for us actually went very fast. I woke up with contractions at 3am and baby was out before 10am same day. She was out in 3 pushes. I was also nervous when I was told at my last appointment that she was sunny side, and she was indeed born that way, but when it came time for her to come, I just tried to stay as relaxed as I could (even through contractions). Everything was ok. I know every birth is different, but remember that it will be what it will be and at the end of the day, baby will be here. :)
@fairydustlady Just had a sunny side up baby 2 days ago 😊 I had no idea going into labor that he was that way. My water broke at 11pm and he was born at 1:24 pm the next day after 2 hours of pushing. I did not have to have any interventions (other than the epidural I already planned on). I just tried to relax and work through the contractions as they came. You’ve got this!
@fairydustlady as a labor and delivery nurse, i promise that it is early enough on and there is plenty of time to get your baby to rotate. if you get an epidural, your labor nurse will put you in all of the positions once epiduralized to get that kid to turn. good luck to you!!
@fairydustlady Im 3 weeks pp and our girl was sunny side up. My labour ended in an emergency c-section but it wasn't traumatic at all. I laboured until 9cm dilated which took around 23 hours. Our girls heart had been doing weird things and dropping throughout the evening and in the end it dropped for 10mins straight so they said that was enough and off to the theatre we went.

I had an epidural which didn't hurt at all getting and was so relieved once that kicked in because contractions were painful and the gas wasn't cutting it. I think if you have a good team around you everything will be ok. Nothing went the way we planned but everyone was so lovely that we didn't stress at all and our girl came out healthy needing no intervention. Her head was a funny shape from being stuck on my cervix but within a day it looked normal. Good luck and just go with the flow and trust the team around you xx
@fairydustlady My daughter was sunny side up all the way up until it was time to push and she turned herself over, so there’s still hope! Crossing my fingers for a smooth and healthy birth for you 🤞🏼💕
@fairydustlady FTM with a sunny side up baby and gave birth in Nov - contractions were SUPERRRRR painful but was only in labor for about 12 hours and had a first degree tear! Pushed for two ish hours though she was a bigger baby and I am not a large person
@fairydustlady FTM here 👋🏻 my LO is 7 weeks old, and I was the same as you. Induced at 41 weeks, not dilated at all with a sunny side up baby.

I was in labor for a total of 17 hours, I was given pitocin at 5am, got the epidural around 730am. When it came time to push, I couldn't feel anything from the waist down and babygirl came out in 30min. I didn't even feel myself pushing and only ended up with a 2 degree tear. Baby came out at 7 lbs 6oz.

I do have tailbone pain from time to time due to delivering on my back, but I didn't need forceps or a vacuum or anything. Best of luck mama, you got this! (& if you delivered already, congratulations 🎊)
@fairydustlady This was my exact birth story. I was supposed to be induced at 41 weeks, hospital called a few hours before the time and said don’t come because there’s no space in L&D. I ended up going to the ER in said hospital anyways because my labor started naturally earlier that day and contractions were close together. They of course didn’t have space so I was in the ER with no pain meds and no bouncing ball/etc. for 5 hours. Finally they put me in L&D. I was 3cm dilated with contractions 1 minute apart (it was hell). Got pitocin and within 12 hours I was ready to push. Pushed for 4 hours with almost zero progression of baby. I was screaming by the last hour of pushing because it hurt so bad. They said she was suddenly sunny side up and it would be difficult to get her out. OB used the vacuum and she didn’t budge. Had an emergency C-section and she was out within 45 minutes.
They didn’t give me any options in those 4 hours of agonizing pushing even though we all knew she wasn’t coming out naturally. Opt for another choice as soon as you can’t handle it anymore!!!
@sharonsvs um literally I’m shocked because we have basically the same birth story. I pushed for 4 hours and was in agonizing pain before I had a C-section. those damn sunny side up babies!! I’m honestly surprised they don’t offer C-sections up front for them because clearly they’re way too hard to get out. So many people I know who had sunny side up babies ended in a C-section. My baby didn’t even make it past my pelvis, we couldn’t even try forceps or vacuum. After 4 fucking hours of pushing.
@fairydustlady I’m a FTM and my November 2023 baby was sunny side up, I was dilated to 0 at my induction at 41w. We did A LOT of spinning babies in the 24 hours before I got the epidural, and continued to do so after and baby flipped! 36 hours of labor, 4 hours of pushing, and my 10lb baby arrived! Be open to any crazy positions your nursing team wants to put you in to get that baby to turn! I was so glad I did. You got this!

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