just found out my baby is sunny side up

@fairydustlady My mom blames the doctor but couldn't explain to me why. My younger sister was quick too and the biggest (3 hour delivery and almost 8lbs) and she didn't get laughing gas to till the end so she didn't feel it break. I don't think she realized it broke until she got home and it hurt to sit.

But because of my mom's history I asked my OB what happens, and they said they can generally turn them on the way out or something like that and it's not a big deal. I ended up with a c-section though, because my daughter decided to stay breeched.
@preachgrl61 Omg. My tailbone broke with my daughter. She was only 5lb 9 so the issue was 100% positional. They wouldn't let me off my back and I was pushing for 6+ hours. They finished with forceps (I didn't really have time to protest) which could have caused it as well. I didn't realise anything was wrong until maybe 24 hours later where I was given mild pain killers and brushed it off to bruising. Fast forward, healing wasnt great, sitting was painful and it ruined breastfeeding for me. It's been 12 years and I have nerve damage in the area.
@fairydustlady I had a sunny side up 7lb 8oz girl in December 2022 with an epidural. I got induced at 7am and they broke my water shortly after. I finally was dilated enough to start practice pushes at around 11:46pm and pushed for 1.5 hours and she finally came out at 1:11am the next day. 1st degree tear only which wasn’t bad at all, I didn’t need any special meds or iced pads for pain. You got this!! It won’t be easy but you can do it!
@fairydustlady Oh horrible at first and then great labor. So sunny side up spelled constant back pain for me that only intensified with contractions. Warm/hot bath helped, being on a ball for movement and to sit on helped, but what helped most was counter pressure by my husband until I could get the epidural. There was an option to get a shot of morphine to take the edge off a bit to rest and it was also very very helpful to get to the point that I could get an epidural. Once I had the epidural placed, I could finally rest and the nurse I had flipped me around like a rotisserie chicken in different positions with a peanut ball until baby flipped! No tears, born vaginally without assistance like vacuum or forceps, and I had a 9 lb. big boy. For reference, I planned on going natural initially but sunny side up was something I hadn’t anticipated. AMA

You’ve got this!

Edit to add: laying on my back made pain worse so my nurse advised side lying to allow the tail bone to have more freedom of movement. This was game changing.
@fairydustlady I had a sunny side up baby when I went into labour last week which ultimately ended in a c section as I just wasn’t progressing & had some other complications not caused by baby’s position. I was terrified but had a really positive experience & the recovery (now 4 days pp) is much better so far than I thought it would be.

Note to add I was also 41 weeks when I went into labour spontaneously in the afternoon - keep positive!
@fairydustlady My son turned sunny side up during my labor, I know so bc I had an ultrasound right before being induced. I didn’t have an epidural and I didn’t even feel it happen and didn’t find labor to be too painful. I was induced as well and it went well to start, progressing quickly. Once I got to 8cm I stopped progressing and we couldn’t figure out why. Baby ended up being stuck due to his position and I ended up with a c section. All in all, not my original birth plan but he was healthy and everything turned out fine. I know this isn’t the positive story you were hoping for, but the good thing is that you already know baby is sunny side up going in to your induction and you can make informed decisions! Best of luck to you!
@fairydustlady Sunny side up baby! Labor was very rough and I had a C-section , but I went into it accepting whatever needed to happen as long as baby and me were fine. I had no issues with my c section! I’d go into it with a very open mind and try to accept there’s only so much you can control
@fairydustlady I’ve had two sunny side up babies- both labors were short but two very different deliveries. My boy was 7 lbs 13 oz and I had to push for 2.5 hours. It is the most physically exhausted I have ever been. My girl was 6 lbs 3 oz and I only pushed for 20 minutes. So I think it depends on the size of the baby. I did get an epidural with both but once it wore off my hips hurt like hell. I couldn’t lay on my side for two days.

I will say this though- the build up to labor is the scariest part. Once you’re there, your body kind of takes over. You can do this! Even if you have to push for hours, or get a c section, you can do this. And it will feel like nothing once you have that sweet baby in your arms. Prayers for you!
@fairydustlady Try not to worry too much in advance. Your provider and you will make the right decisions at the right time. My daughter was born sunny side up and I had what I would consider a dream delivery. I was induced at 39 and 3 due to her needing a heart surgery post delivery. We did cervical ripening medication, a cook balloon (the double foley) and finally pitocin.

My water broke on its own shortly after starting pitocin and then I got an epidural as the contractions got intense! She was born about 6 hours later (we took a nap, hung out, filled out paperwork) after 1 hour of pushing. Overall no big deal, she flipped to sunny side up during labor so it was a surprise to all involved.
@fairydustlady I was sunny side up and they had to pull me out with a little help from forceps 🙃 My mom likes to remind me lol. But she didn’t have a traumatic birth with me. I was healthy and no issues came up during birth. Wishing you good luck, fellow mama!
@fairydustlady My daughter was sunny side up during labor, had pretty bad back labor. Needed forceps, had a small 2nd degree tear and a mild uterine prolapse postpartum that has resolved. She was tiny though, 5 lbs 2 oz since induced at 34+4 for ruptured membranes.
@fairydustlady my girl was sunny side up. my labor was only 8 hours, 4 of them being in hospital did not get induced, had epidural. she came out in 45 mins of pushing,

i did not tear and was up walking normal after my epidural wore off. however, my contractions were obviously back so they hurt so bad lol

7lb 2.9oz
@fairydustlady My babe was sunny side up even after months of chiropractic care and daily spinning babies positions. I ended up having what I later found out to be a gall bladder infection (I had emergency surgery on that 16 days post partum 😳) which meant they induced me because baby’s heart tracings were lining up with mine too much. Induction failed, epidural failed - horrible back labor. The c section was beautiful - recovery was not really bad at all. Good luck!!!!!!!! You’ll both do just fine!!!!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
@fairydustlady I was induced, my dude was sunny side up (we didn’t know before go-time) and I pushed him out in about 45 mins, second degree tear. I did have an epidural, so I can’t speak to the pain, but it could be fine! Best of luck!