Just found out husband of nearly 7 years has had an affair - we have a 3.5y/o and a 17m/o

@renegadelegion That sub is pretty intolerant of staying together but had great support n resources if you choose to leave r/asoneafterinfidelity is great if you’re considering reconciliation
@renegadelegion My ex husband had an affair when I was pregnant. I didn’t find out about it until my little one was 13 months old. I squashed it and tried to convince myself it wasn’t that bad for many reasons. The main one being because I was desperate to keep my family together and have the life I thought I would have. It didn’t work out for us in that way.

Despite this, I’m now much happier and have a renewed idea of what I want life to look like for me and my little one who is now 6. I have my independence and I feel like I value myself. I was terrified when it actually ended: I didn’t know how I would cope financially, emotionally etc.

I understand why people stay and I wish that could have worked for me. But I now believe that wasn’t the life I was meant to have and I genuinely feel this is a better fit for me.

I’m not telling you what to do here- just offering up my experience to hopefully reassure you either way. The only advice I will give is to let yourself feel all of the emotions at some point. Not processing it for the horrible experience it is will not help in the long run. Good luck
@renegadelegion Thank you. That’s very lovely of you to say. I’m so sorry for you too. You absolutely can and will come out better no matter what you decide. Please take care of yourself and don’t be pressured into decisions and remember, you are allowed to change your mind. You should hold the reins now which is incredibly daunting but powerful too. Go after happiness for you and your children will be happy too.
@marching4christ This is how I view it too. If he’s going to go out of his way to be unfaithful, maybe this isn’t the life that I thought it would become. Getting angry and vengeful is totally valid, but once you’re on the other side of that it helps to know that life will go on and can still be good (maybe better).

1/5 partners of pregnant women will cheat. This happens to a lot of people. It’s not right and I wish it were zero, but if it happens to you just know that you’re not alone.
@renegadelegion I know someone who used a turkey brine injector to spray water from canned tuna into his car. He was cheating on her repeatedly in said car and is where he got caught more than once. It was mid July, and the car had leather seats.