Just barely expecting our first


New member
Hi pre-daddit!

I just found this sub from the /r/daddit sidebar (was about to post when I thought "I should read the rules" - crazy right?) and I think I have some questions. Or possibly I just need to ramble. Comment on anything you feel like. I think I just want to talk. Is there a pre-dad IRC or something anyone knows of? Sorry - getting off topic already.

First, I'm assuming in this sub - it's cool to talk about our
pregnancy - rather than her pregnancy. You always hear about women correcting men on this - but I do want it to be a partnership.

Anyways - my wife and I just got our first (and 2nd-5th) positive pregnancy test last week. The fancy (expensive) test says we're just 2-3 weeks since conception (so 4-5 weeks pregnant?) which sort of makes sense. I'm looking forward to the doctor clarifying the date - because if you based it off of the first day of her last period - she'd be 9 weeks along and I'm having a tough time accepting the coincidence of her missing a period right before we conceived. But hey - it could happen.

I'm hoping I don't sound like a first world problem to those who had to work hard, but we got pregnant immediately after we started trying (or possibly just before we started). Wife was thrilled! Originally she'd (somewhat reluctantly) agreed to wait 5 years after marriage (we just got married this past July) per my wishes - but then I did a pretty major 180 and we started trying.

To be honest, the sudden success threw me off! I wasn't really expecting it go move along so fast, but here we are! It feels pretty surreal - how do you make it feel real? Without getting ahead of ourselves that is. We're somewhere between 4-9 weeks, which is way too early to announce according to most, but most of my family knows.

Because my wife was so late (and we'd had a million negative pregnancy tests since the first missed period) it wasn't that odd for her to just casually take a pregnancy test while I wasn't home. Last week, I was out for dinner with my family (she wasn't feeling well so didn't want to come along - we were just going to A&W anyways). About a half hour into dinner, Wife calls and I answer it - I'm assuming she's just wondering when I'm going to be home or something, but she starts the call off with "So... I just took a pregnancy test". Automatically I know, for this to be call-me worthy, it's positive. So I (dumbfoundly) just asked "Really?" multiple times, growing louder and louder.

I'm apparently easy to read, because my family all figured it out immediately (my sister got very high pitched and shrieky - she's very excited for us to have kids). By the time I got home (I left right away) my sister had blown up my wife's phone with congratulations. Do we need to curb their expectations since they know so early?

And most importantly, I think: what the hell do I do now? Conception was (apparently) the easy part - What do I do now?!. I'm assuming, with the risks associated with the first trimester, it's too early to start investing in baby stuff. And besides that we JUST sold our house 4 days before we found out (perfect timing: we still have to pick a new house, but the new house was one of our "we should have this before we have kids" type goals) so even if I wanted to just start moving furniture around, there's no point, because we only own this house until May 14th. At that point, hopefully we'll be moved into something new and we can start planning the nursery there.

I'm rambling. I think I'm done rambling for now. Thanks for reading to the end.
@blessings777 well then.. someone sounds excited? haha. congrats and welcome to the club :)

how do you make it feel real?

it slowly happens over the weeks and months, buying stuff, going to doctors visits, building your nursery. my wife is at 37 weeks this week and it's still not completely real to me. i'm sure it will be real really damn soon..

Do we need to curb their expectations

we didn't tell anyone until 12 weeks. after that, it's pretty safe. If I were you just keep it to immediate family and make sure they don't go blabbing to everyone, or they'll have some explaining to do should anything happen.

What do I do now?!

You're right, a little too early to buy stuff, but start getting educated! Two books I loved were these:

The Baby Owners Manual

The Expectant Father

Once you're a bit closer have a look at Happiest baby on the block or just watch the whole thing on youtube.

I've also read many many times, be sure that both you and your wife do NOT read "What to expect when you're expecting" even if it's advertised to you as being the number 1 book for pregnancy. Avoid it like the plague.

A quick look at amazon reviews:

"The writing is vapid and uninspiring. The tone is condescending. The information is watery and half-assed."

"This book assumes that pregnant women are idiots, and talks to them accordingly."

and my favourite.. "Guys ... consider this a warning; this will be the worst book that your significant other can read and will make your life utterly miserable for the next nine months. It's been over four years since I had to deal with this serie's 3rd edition and I still can't stand the sight of it."

Hope some of this helps, enjoy the ride!
@wannabehomemaker [h5] [/h5]

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The Baby Owner's Manual: Operating Instructions, Trouble-Shooting Tips...

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[h5] [/h5]

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The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be (New Fath...

Current  $8.79 
   High $11.66 
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[h5] [/h5]

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The Happiest Baby on the Block

Current $11.78 
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Price History Chart and Sales Rank | GIF | FAQ
@blessings777 Congrats!

how do you make it feel real?

It is different for everyone, it didn't feel real to me until we found out the sex and I began to say HER and SHE rather then THE BABY. The first few kicks helps to so like... 20 weeks.

I would hold off telling anyone you should be uncomfortable informing of a miscarriage until 12 weeks.

Just enjoy each other. Sympathy pain and sympathy weight are real, don't be surprised if you find yourself a little depressed some days and fearing for the future. It's all natural.