It gets better

@billycress Enjoying my morning coffee while 7 week old baby naps (or is it extended sleep in? Hard to tell) in bassinet. I got laundry, dishes, nursery rest, and bottle washing done already! Cheers!!
@billycress Sounds awesome! :)

Where you stand in the pacifier question?
Are you using them ? I was struggling with the descision but since my LO is a little bit colicky yesterday I've tried them instead of my breast because I didn't want pass down anything in his digestive system to avoid gas. ( He was fed an hour before and spit up 20 before I offered the paci).
@dhfjgjk56 She won’t take a paci 🤷🏼‍♀️ just spits them out. I quite often let her nurse to sleep, which I’m sure I may well live to regret but honestly there are so many times I’d do anything to get some peace that it feels worth it, at least for now! Not sure where you are (I’m in the UK) but we’ve found the swaddle up swaddle bags amazing, putting her in one of those then nursing and putting her in her crib is literally the only thing that works with her, especially during the day. She’s not colicky but very gassy, where here she’d fart/spit up and wake herself and then cry the swaddle seems to stop her waking up properly and she drops off again. Have just started experimenting with wake windows this week too - it’s early days but so far a game changer.

I’m sure now I’ve said all of that it will immediately stop working and we’ll be back to square one 😂😂