It’s ok if your nursery isn’t finished or doesn’t exist

@jamini21 I’m the same way! If we hadn’t moved in the middle of my pregnancy, I probably would have a Pinterest-worthy nursery because I’m creative and it would be fun for me! But I think it’s ok to say, this is about me and me only, not the love I have for my child or how excited I am for them.
@sofie Our new condo is being built and we only get to move there in October. I'm due any day now, so my nursery is a hand-me-down pack and play and a dresser. And it's fine 😊
@sofie My 18 month old had such a beautiful nursery when she was born, now I’m 32 weeks pregnant a second time and his nursery is still literally just a laundry room with a shelf of baby stuff heaped onto it! I had health problems and family stuff come up during this pregnancy and I just have not got my ducks in a row at all!
@sofie Exactly! My little guy is five and a half months and right now it’s mainly a playroom lol. We’re keeping his crib in our room for the first year. We have a pack n play and a changing area downstairs. Nurseries are so cute. But you really don’t need them right away. I’m so glad I didn’t stress about it when I was pregnant.
@sofie I have a nursery that is just the nursery from the first baby, still has his photo on the wall lol. It’s a glorified laundry room. 7 weeks in and the only thing we use that room for is storing baskets of clean laundry, a dresser full of baby stuff, with a changing pad on top. The room is superfluous. If I had a single dresser or cabinet set aside for baby clothes/burp cloths/diapers with a changing pad literally anywhere else in the house, we would have effectively the same setup. The baby sleeps in the bassinet and will continue to be in our room for months. I love this post! Don’t sweat the small stuff - the nursery and nursery decor is very much small stuff. Some people get a lot of satisfaction out of it, but it’s very much not a necessity. My older son hasn’t noticed he doesn’t have anything hanging on the walls of his big boy room either. I keep meaning to hang shelves and order artwork, and it hasn’t happened. He does not give one single shit lol.
@sofie My nursery is still not finished. My kid is almost three months old 🤣

All your kid needs when they’re born is a place to sleep. A changing table might make things easier for you, but you can change them on any flat surface. A rocker or glider might make things easier for you, but I’ve mostly been feeding my kid in my bed. (He still sleeps in a bassinet in our room.) It will be months before your kid is paying attention to any toys. They certainly won’t be paying attention to wall decor.
@sofie I'll be 30 weeks tomorrow and our bedroom (where baby will sleep) and the nursery are both currently under construction. We're insulating and re-lining the walls and getting double-glazed windows installed.

All our baby stuff is second-hand (or third-hand), and nothing matches. We don't even know what colour we're going to paint the rooms when they're done.

I would love to have a beautifully designed nursery for our baby, but right now I'm just happy to have a warm and dry home.
@sofie 36 + 4 and nursery is not even close to done haha. But we had already decided that it just wasn’t going to happen before baby comes and that’s ok. My husband keeps injuring himself, in particular a sprained finger which while not serious, is one of those things that is easily set back to square one with one wrong move. I decided I’d rather he be able to massage my back during labor than get the drywall mudding and painting done before baby’s arrival.

Anyway baby will be in our room for at least 6 months, probably longer, and I have the bassinet ready, all the clothes and bedding and blankets and burp cloths, etc washed, organized, and folded into the dresser/changing table that we will have in our room. So we are pretty ready for baby, just not for when baby moves out of our room. But we have time for that.
@sofie My 2.5 year old is asleep beside me in my bed as I type. He has yet to sleep one night....or even one nap in his nursery. To him, it is the toom where he gets nappy changes, and where his books, teddies and clothes are stored.
@sofie True! With my first, it was ready around 24 weeks (eager first time mom). With my second, around 32 weeks. With my third, it’s not finished. I would have been 38 weeks today, but I developed gestational hypertension and they induced me last week so she’s here 3 weeks early, which I’m happy, but also I packed my bag the day before my induction 🤣 she is in our room, in her pack n play and has no idea of the boxes of stuff and unfinished crib in her nursery. We’ll get to it soon!
@sofie Due 9/3. We don’t have the space for a nursery so he’ll sleep in a mini crib in our room for this first year or so. I do get jealous looking at the super cute nurseries but, heck, there’s more important things in life.
@sofie I’m kinda sad about the nursery stuff, because our new home isn’t going to be move-in ready until about two months after the baby is born. I desperately want to have a pretty nursery set up for when the baby arrives, but what’s the point when we’re moving so soon? Right now, we’re just focusing on purely practical baby needs and nothing else. I know I’ll get to do all the cute stuff at the new place, I’m just a little bummed about the timing.
@sofie My daughter is 1 and she only just got her own bedroom yesterday. We had to build an entire room onto the house. It took the first year of her life to be finished but I couldnt be happier now.
@sofie A nursery is something that I really wanted, and it was definitely more for me than baby. I’ve had a really tough pregnancy that’s been hard to enjoy, and I just wanted something that I could channel things into. Especially because I’ve struggled with feeling unprepared and not ready for baby or to be a mother, and I just feel like it would have helped a lot.

I still don’t have a nursery, and am currently between places right now (with baby’s due date so close) but I love looking through all the nursery pictures on here. Sometimes I get a little jealous but I know that I love baby more than a nursery ever could.
@sofie Well I just gave birth 11 days ago and the nursery furniture still isn't here yet. We ordered it in February. Shipping during the pandemic has been fun. Oh well we will get to it when we can. My daughter doesn't seem to notice.
@sofie We set our babies bassinet up the night we got home from hospital..well my partner did while I watched holding the one day old. Still haven’t set up a nursery and he’s nearly 3 months. But we are having an amazing time and not missing it at all