Is our nursery dark enough? (Black out curtains)

@luqmanmichel My baby didn’t like napping in the blackout room. He actually was always starting crying when I was bringing him to the dark room for a nap. When I started leaving the curtains open, so that some light can go through, he started napping much better 💁🏼‍♀️
@luqmanmichel I think this must vary quite a bit. I napped baby in the light and loud living room for the first ~6-8 weeks to develop her circadian rhythm. Now that she’s 4.5 months she does her naps in the crib, but I actually just turn off artificial light and leave the blinds open for soft natural light (no direct sun). She sleeps in dark at night but just normal blinds/curtains, not blackout. I often leave a very dim light on for the first few hours because we room share and come to bed after she’s down for the night. White noise machine on the other hand I find to be absolutely essential—she startles badly with noises.
@luqmanmichel Yeah definitely depends on baby. My daughter needs pitch black and wakes up at the first sight of sunlight, which was at one point way too early. We have only one window, with the blackout roller on it. And cardboard taped to half of it cuz some light still creeps through.
@luqmanmichel My newborn would sleep anywhere in any light or noise condition. But since we moved her to her own room at 5.5 months she needed blackout curtains, helps her just fall asleep instead of looking around at stuff

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