iS my BAbY hErE/cOmINg YeT??


New member
The audacity to call/text a FTM (or any expecting/new parent) after 8 PM regarding whether or not I’ve gone into labor or feel like I’ll be going into labor soon is so inconsiderate. The child I’M carrying will be here when she will be here. Constantly asking won’t make her come any sooner. Two weeks till I’m due, still working, still in school. We will keep everyone updated as best as possible. I understand the excitement grandparents feel but boundaries. Boundaries. Boundaries. I’m having to keep my phone on DND because everyone wants a minute by minute play of what’s not even happening yet. Thank you for listening - prayers for all of us going through the shenanigans!
@ancv328 Every time I got a text like that, I se't them a pic of 'some e cards' back saying;
"yes, I'm still here.
No, the baby is not.
But keep texting and ringing every day, that's meant to induce labour, right?"

They got the message.
@ancv328 My MIL has called THREE times this week to ask when the baby is coming. I’m just at 35 weeks. Chill out! I joked to my husband she’ll be calling every other day until he arrives at this point.
@ancv328 Boo, hang in there.

Statistics say you have like 3 weeks left. They're about to get themselves on the information diet if they don't watch out!
@ancv328 Makes me think of children constantly asking "Are we there yet?" in the car... But at least they're children 😅

I feel very lucky that I was spared those questions, even though I was a week past my due date when my little one was born.
@ancv328 My mom has asked every single day, it’s doubly annoying since she will be caring for my son while my husband and I are in the hospital. I’m like , yeah mom you’ll be the first to know 🙄.
@ancv328 Yes, people are curious and excited for the baby’s arrival. It’s normal. It doesn’t mean they are being horribly inconsiderate, unless you have firmly and directly set a boundary and they are crossing it.

Tell them: I will inform you when the baby is here. Until then, I actually get stressed out by you asking repeatedly. Please stop and know that I’ll let you know when the time is right.

Your kid is going to need firm and unambiguous boundaries as well. Now is a good time to start practicing.
@univ3rsouluv It is a little bit inconsiderate to ask constantly throughout the week and/or at odd hours of the day. Interrupted late 3rd trimester naps are the worst.
Boundaries are a great thing to have but oof does it suck implementing them at times.
@ancv328 We have decided to just not engage from the get go when those questions start. Going to ignore them! And our phones will be off through labour and for a few hours after delivery too. You can text updates / make call announcements anytime but we will never get that initial time back after birth. Fuck em, I say!
@ancv328 I kept my phone on do not disturb for a few days. I don’t know if it was more ridiculous when we finally had the baby and let everyone know with a brief text a few hours later - and the questions kept coming in! Like lol I’ve literally been sewn up half an hour ago and you want a full report? Let me sleep.
@ancv328 I posted a photo on Instagram of me eating at a restaurant and I got 5 messages about if the baby is here???? Like do you not see I’m eating at a restaurant. Also I’m only 35 weeks. No baby is not here!
@ancv328 Time and time again I find out that things I have done in the past probably pissed off Moms to be in my life. I always thought I was showing that I cared and my excitement by checking in for updates at the end of pregnancy. I'm at 34 weeks now myself so it will probably be my turn for these questions soon, haha.