iS my BAbY hErE/cOmINg YeT??

@ancv328 I was pregnant for 41 weeks and 3 days and was still working and all and ppl would be on my case 24/7 about me still being pregnant. After while that shit gets old. Sorry your deAling with that and good job setting boundaries for yourself. Best of luck on everything!
@ancv328 I have started purposefully not answering for at least a few hours, that way they won't be tipped off when I'm actually in labor and not responding to them 😂 they'll know when we want them to know.
@ancv328 My mom actually tried calling my cell phone while I was in labor! She knew I was in labor because I'd told her I was dilated but since she only had C sections she claims she didn't know vaginal births usually had hours of pushing 🙄
@ancv328 I took all family members off the “find my friends” app on my iPhone, didn’t text anyone back unless I felt like it, didn’t tell anyone I was in labor except our dog sitter…family members got a surprise FaceTime with new baby when I was ready and it was the best!