“JuSt wAiT tiLl tHe bAby gEtS hErE”

@evanlooksuptothealmighty FTM and I've had nothing but complications in my pregnancy and I'm only at 15wks. It's honestly been horrible and my sister keeps telling me "pregnancy is the easy part, what comes after is really really hard and lonely" gee thanks. Can't wait. I just want to be past this and have my prize at the end of this nightmare please.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Omg thank you so much for this I needed to hear this. I’m only 30 weeks but I have no idea how I’m gunna make it 10 more… let alone make it through work tomorrow. I have such bad pelvic pain. And I’m getting heart palpitations and short of breath just brushing my hair. I’ll have to stand for 9 hrs at work tomorrow. But my dr won’t put me on medical leave till after the birth.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty So many things have sucked about being pregnant - and honestly, one of those things has been realising how much other parents enjoy being assholes to pregnant women.

I started responding with ‘well… you seemed to figure it out so I’m sure I will, too’.

Take your ego elsewhere, thanks.

C- section scheduled 12 days from now 😬
@evanlooksuptothealmighty I feel ya. I just found out I dislocated my rib from cough/sneezing about a week and a half ago. I'm so sore from having no space in my body that the ache seemed rational. When I did it I almost cried and told my partner that I needed a break from exercise for a few days, and that it felt like I dislocated my diaphragm.

I can't wait to have my body to myself again for normal functions. I'm sure I'll be overwhelmed from caring for my new human but I just want to be able to sleep with just me in my body again even for a couple of hours. I also want to be able to eat what tastes good to me and not be beholden to the baby that clearly hates bacon and it's mom holding down a meal without heartburn.
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Absolutely🙌🏼

With my first I threw up 7+ times a day for 16 weeks, it was horrid to say the least🙃 as soon as I was in the recovery room after my c-section I felt normal again, every symptom was gone👏🏼 I’m only 7.5 weeks with my second but this post reminded me my morning sickness and everything else that’s most likely coming for me later on will come to an end eventually😅
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Yeah I used to hate this even before we decided to have a child. I’d constantly be asked when I was having kids, if I had kids by complete strangers, that I was getting older so I should have kids etc etc but then in the next breath they’d tell me I’ll lose all my freedom etc. so now I’m actually pregnant people are happy for me but then go on to say how I’ll have a real wake up call when the baby’s born like I’m so naive that I don’t understand that a live human needs constant care lol and they’ll tell me I’ll never have time to do anything I like. I’m like ‘I’m a having a child not ending my life’ I am absolutely determined to still be a good mum but not lose myself in the process, still have hobbies and do things I like but still be able to care for my baby and even include them in my hobbies.
@sheviree I’ve come to the conclusion that in this business, misery seems to love company. They made their choices and now have to deal with them. There’s literally no other rational reason for people acting like this. I kinda have a mindset of… “well, why suffer if I don’t have to?”
@blindly28 This is also me. No intentions of ending my life post pregnancy. Our baby is an enhancement to our lives, not a detriment. Sometimes, in my head, I’ll actually feel pretty snarky about hearing the comments and just think to myself “welp, too bad for you feeling the need to sacrifice being a person, living your life and all… I’ll just be over here packing the baby up for the trips and adventures we plan on having with her since becoming a mom doesn’t mean I become dead”
@evanlooksuptothealmighty Thank you so much for posting this. I am so miserable and if I dare complain it's been "just wait until third trimester" and now that I'm in third it and been "just wait until the baby is here". If I dare say I'm tired from being pregnant or mention a nap it's "you won't be napping soon!!" Or "get your sleep now!". I already have bad pregnancy insomnia and those comments DO NOT help. So thanks again for giving those of us hating pregnancy some hope ❤️
@evanlooksuptothealmighty FTM here and I’ve been really lucky with no morning sickness or nausea. Every single time I say this to someone, the response is something like “oh, well that means your baby is going to be difficult/a nightmare/ terrible. Enjoy it now!” Like, what would possess someone to say that? It’s like they want us to suffer, if not now during pregnancy than after the baby is born, like suffering is the only real measure of being a mom. I’m very over it. Only 21 weeks left to go lol