Is it time for a divorce?

@search4truth1121 I'm on a relatively shorter fuse because I'm literally expelling uterine lining, parenting a newborn and toddler, and nursing an infected boob. What's your excuse, Karen? Your antagonism appears to come from a place of defensiveness. It sounds like you're taking your chosen solution of acting like your husband's manager and accepting being less than equal in your marriage and projecting your anger on me. If you need to work through your anger issues maybe you should consider therapy as opposed to shitting on people asking for help on reddit.
Girl that was that advice. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it was wrong or rude. It was plain, no frills advice. Sounds like you’re living the life you deserve.

Girlie where was the advice? Girlie other people have been vulnerable and open with providing action plans, step by step thoughts, and their personal experiences and then we have whatever this whole chain of thought is (enable his behavior and after a few logical leaps, this is all your fault btw).

Girlie there have been so many comments with a wide range of different opinions/actual advice/experiences, but for the most part, people have been thoughtful and good at giving each other grace, and I've accepted them all in the spirit they've been given. Girlie I suppose a few duds from the other end of the spectrum should be expected to appear at some point, and, girlie, I accept your comments with more thought and empathy than you've extended. Girlie, sounds like you're living the life you deserve too.