Is it normal to be this out of shape? 15 weeks


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So I am a FTM. Had HG from the get go so was bedridden vomiting ttint 24/7 up until the last few weeks.

I use to be an avid runner (daily) before pregnancy.

So fast forward to today, it’s 30 degrees C in Australia, nice breeze I decide to go for a 25 min walk. And I’m dying??? I feel so out of breath and my legs feel heavy? Wtf!

Is this normal why do I feel so unfit
@jimmie926 I saw a huge decline in my capacity/fitness. I think the hormones just hit some of us with different symptoms than others. I had that heavy leg/overwhelming exhaustion feeling all through the second trimester (first trimester I was still doing high intensity workouts no problem!). By the third, I feel better, but I get so out of breath and intense exercise just isn’t on the table. I waddle walk around the block and do some light resistance training and that’s it lol

Don’t be too hard on yourself or set your expectations against anyone else. Just do what you can for now! You’ll know what’s too little or too much.
@jimmie926 Baby is draining oxygen from your blood, making it that much harder for your muscles to get their share. Slow down and if you can, focus more on "I did it" vs "I did x miles or x speed." I used to run a daily 6 mile loop at about a 9 minute mile and it's now 10:30-11 minute miles and a few less runs per week, and I did take a month off during the worst of the first trimester. My first two pregnancies I couldn't run at all because my legs felt so heavy and cinderblocky.
@jimmie926 Even though I didn't have HG in pregnancy, I also noticed I fatigued super quickly by a certain point in pregnancy when I was walking/running/lifting. First trimester was brutal, then second trimester felt pretty good, and then entering third trimester, back to feeling tired quickly.

I had to really modify intensity a lot, put limitations on myself with how much I could do at any given time, and let go of all expectations. I found that just focusing on moving at all and doing what I could was better for me and my sense of gratification from working out and being active.

Don't be super hard on yourself. Pregnancy is really a journey and it really blew me away how different it looked than what I had envisioned.
@jimmie926 I got winded talking to my husband and walking up the stairs a few times . I read that a number of factors make it normal... hormonal changes, uterus shifting upwards and less room for lungs, blood volume increases so your heart is working harder, etc. You should ask your doctor but I think it's just one of those new "joys of pregnancy" 😅😉

For me, its not super consistent... some days are better than others. Hang in there!
@jimmie926 I was essentially also prone for 2 months due to severe sciatic pain--i also basically lost all fitness. It's the worst. Keep doing whatever you can, definitely a process! I had to restart from basically zero stamina.
@jimmie926 Pregnancy makes workouts feel harder, regardless of your fitness. And it sounds like you had some really bad nausea and vomiting, which has also depleted your body further. Be patient with yourself. It would be like if someone had a stress fracture- they would not be able to suddenly go out and run, they'd have to start with run/walk intervals and gradually build. Give yourself some grace.

Also, you may find that other activities feel easier than running/walking. Have you tried biking or swimming?
@jimmie926 Honestly the only reason I actually believe pregnancy taking a toll on me is looking at my Apple Watch and seeing what it counts as exercise minutes now. I used to have to do a high speed incline power walk for anything to count as exercise. Now it counts walking around a store or anything involving stairs.

Also the joint pain can hit you sooner than you think. Relaxin loosens the muscles, or your body can adjust to your center of gravity shifting. Regular belly fat usually distributes more evenly than pregnancy growth so it can be an adjustment.

Anyways I'm trying to add bodyweight squats again at 21 weeks and it's the workout of a lifetime lol. I used to do weighted squats and high reps and even weightlifted in pregnancy before the nausea hit... I guess the main thing is you're not alone haha
@jimmie926 I am 25 weeks and workout everyday for 30 minutes - bike rides, walks or elliptical from the start of my pregnancy. I used to run regularly before becoming pregnant. I think my energy level has remained where it is because I regularly exercise. If I stopped for a period of time, I think I would lose my tolerance for exercise quickly and probably have difficult time re-starting. I had COVID a month ago and noticed being off for less than a week took a big hit on my endurance and ability to stay walking for even 15 minutes. That’s just pregnancy. I think you could realistically build back up that endurance by walking more and more each day (start slow) but don’t beat yourself up for feeling “out of shape” pregnancy changes your lung capacity, resting heart rate and so so so much more.
@jimmie926 You are not out of shape. You are pregnant. I am 39w and I remember almost instantly feeling the effects of pregnancy on my workouts. Things that were easy just weeks earlier would completely wear me down. You learn to adjust and set different expectations for yourself. Your body is doing so much right now. Remember to give yourself grace.
@jimmie926 Yep, I'm in the same boat, although not as badly affected as you during the first trimester.

Basically feel like I've lost all of my fitness - everything is so much harder than it was! Trying to just take my body as it is, take things slowly and do what I can. Any movement you can do, even just going for walks when you can, is better than nothing! Although hopefully we will see some improvement in energy/fitness in the second trimester (I'm 14 weeks now!)

Good luck to you!
@jimmie926 I am a very active person outside of pregnancy but I have noticed every single time I get pregnant I’m almost instantly out of breath and winded doing everyday stuff like walking the dog or climbing the stairs. I think it’s all the extra blood flow. As soon as the baby pops out, it goes back to normal. The human body is nuts!!!!! I just do my best when I can.