Is it me or do y’all wish y’all kid(s) didn’t like y’all’s food sometimes?

I know it sounds a bit selfish, but dang this kid is only 21 months and he’s eating EVERYTHING. I literally can’t eat without him chasing me for a bite. I love this kid but man the only time I enjoy food is at work and I take ONE 15 so I can get back to him faster. I know I’m not the only one that misses having their own food. 😂
@maddog5792000 No offense to OP or anyone, but I hate this word so much. It is a super cringe word for me. Like how some people hate the word moist.

I live in the south US where this is super common and it's just nails on a chalk board ever time I hear it.
@jeromiusintoonesimus It's all good. I'm not hating on you for it or anything. It's just a word that I, in particular, dislike. I'm not going to try to stop people from using it just because it offends ears (or eyes in this case). As much as I think it isn't hard to just say "you all," I'm not the type of person to police language of others.

Getting to the content of your actual post - I'm actually a bit envious of your situation. My 3yo will barely touch anything that isn't a chicken nugget or noodles. And even chicken nuggets are hit and miss.
@alexburke My 2yo has yet to meet food that is too hot. Had Thai food that was so hot I was sweating, 2yo took it no problems, ate half my food on me.

Meanwhile the 5yo thinks black pepper is too hot.