Is 3 oz of formula too much for 6 days old?


New member
Hi everyone! I’m a FTM and of course feel completely lost and out of my depth here. My LO was born last Friday 12-10 at 37+3 via a scheduled c section. We came home on 12/12 and she had lost 9% of her weight, so we are supplementing formula along with breastfeeding.

At the beginning of the week, our goal was 15-25 mL’s per feeding (whether it be milk of formula). Of course, that amount gradually increased as we followed her hunger cues. Now, only a few days later, my girl just downed 3oz of formula in 15 minutes! She is only 6 days old, so I’m worried at this crazy rapid increase! 15 mL’s to 3 oz in 4 days seems crazy. Has anyone else experience this kind of increase within the first week of their newborn’s life? We have our one week checkup tomorrow and of course I’ll bring this up to her pediatrician.

Thank you all for your help! Browsing this sub has been such a comfort in the wee hours of the morning as I quietly panic and question everything I do. Hope you all are well!
@lostmanfar My son sucked down almost 2 full ounces a few hours after he was born. The NICU nurses were all shocked.
Their appetites can change on a dime, but you can’t overfeed a newborn so just go with it. She’s probably growing!
@lostmanfar I'm so glad you asked this 16 day old just jumped up to 3oz every feeding and I was worried sick he was eating too much as the ped said he would eat 3-4 oz by 3-4 weeks! The replies here made me feel much better!
@lostmanfar You are fine and have nothing to worry about. Newborns will eat as needed. Every once in a while they tend to down more than the usual. It’s nothing to be concerned about. My boy started eating that much around the first week too.
@lostmanfar I like to say my born was born hungry. He was big when he was born and already had to be supplemented by day 2. He ate crazy amounts and still does. Like others said, babies cannot overeat, so you are fine. Just make sure to take little breaks and burp very well, otherwise there can be vomit later.
@lostmanfar It is fine! They will eat as much as they need and it will level out! I look back in the tracking app we use and my baby around a week old was eating 3 oz at a time and by 3 weeks old was eating 4 oz a feeding and by 2 months old 5-6 oz a feeding!! But she is almost 4 months old now and has consistently been on 4 oz a feeding for about a month and a half. Don’t worry, they eat what they need when they need!
@lostmanfar Honestly I don't think there is a right or wrong, at this point babies eat what they need to eat, they don't think about it. We definitely fed on demand and that varies vastly between babies and also around babies growth spurts. There are days that babies eat more when their bodies need it for the rapid growth they are going through, congratulations!
@lostmanfar My baby was eating 3oz at 5 days old and 4 oz at 2 wks and now at 5 weeks he’s still @ 4oz and slowly transition to 5oz for some of his feeds. It’s normal. And if their bellies are full they will spit up:)
@lostmanfar Look in to paced bottle feeding if you haven’t already. This is a slower, more relaxed way of giving the bottle that allows baby to feel full without chugging.