Is 3 almost easier?

@morgannicole555 When you have two you're playing man-to-man. When it's three you're totally outnumbered by a tiny conquering army of your own creation.

But four isn't much worse than three... unless it's twins.
@izakb I disagree with this lol as a mom of 4 boys within 5 years.... 3 was a piece of cake, he fit right in. 4 is what send our house into a frenzy for months!!!
@poppylavender Same ages here! It’s absolutely wild how different 3 feels from 2. We look back on videos where we had two and marvel at how relaxing it looks in comparison, haha! But agree, would not change it. It’s lovely to feel complete and they are each so unique.
@morgannicole555 3 is considered the most stressful number of children to have. There have been studies done about how much more stressed parents of 3 are vs 2 or 4+ children. I don't say that to deter you from having baby #3. I'm just saying based on my own personal experience, as well as the science, that it is absolute chaos. All. The. Time.

Mine are 4.5M, 3M, 1M (15 months). 3 under 5 is even more insane since someone always needs you or someone is getting into something while the other 2 fight. Or 2 are playing too rough, and the other is eating bugs or magnets 🤦‍♀️😭.

I love my 3 boys, but mannnn do they test me and my patience on the daily. Going out with 3 alone is definitely a challenge, so it's something else to keep in mind. When the youngest is old enough for the good ol hip hike, then it's a little easier. I put my youngest on my hip with my arm around him, grab my oldests hand with that arm while also holding the 1yo on my hip then grab my 3yo hand with my free hand. It works for us but probably looks funny lol 🤷‍♀️.

Something else to keep in mind; most places like theme parks, plane tickets, etc, aren't meant for families of 3, 5, 7, etc. What I mean by that is tickets are always sold in even numbers. If you want that 5th ticket, you gotta pay the regular price and not the discounted "family" price for 2 or 4.

Vehicles are also something else to think about too. The more kids you have, the more space you'll need for car seats since they're all still using them. 3 kids is borderline minivan territory. Or an SUV if minivans aren't your thing. Then you also have to consider (if you don't get a 3 row vehicle) how in the heck you're gonna fit 3 car seats in the backseat. Not many car seats will fit comfortably like that. There are "slim" models that are booster or convertible car seats you can look into though. That's actually an issue I'm having rn is space for everyone without it feeling cramped. At least with a 3rd row, you can put the oldest in the 3rd row and the younger two in the 2nd row.

And finally, sports and college funds. More kids = more money for these. Again, not trying to deter you, there's just a lot to think about and consider before jumping in without knowing the full extent of what it will cost or any possible issues you may have. That's not to say that none of kids will be interested in sports or college, which is their choice, but it's always a good idea to have money set to the side for extracurricular activities and potentially college (or if they don't do college, wedding fund?).

Sorry for rambling lol.

TLDR: As a mom of 3 under 5, make sure you weigh all your options. Financial, emotional, martial, etc. Make sure you AND your husband can handle a 3rd. Make sure the 3rd baby won't also put a strain on your marriage or current relationships with your other children. There's so much to consider when making the jump from 2 to 3.
@kristaok If you Google your car make and model year and “three car seats across” you’ll probably find exactly the options that’ll work for you. Our car is from 2010 and found a great article. We did end up with the Graco Slim 3LX (or whatever they’re called) and our kids are doing great in them. My kids are only 4, 2, and 5 months, so we may eventually end up in a 7 seater car situation (large SUV or minivan, TBD), but for now, we make a regular sedan work.
@abzin44 My issue is I'm using my parents' vehicle, which is a 2000? Tacoma, so very little room in the back seat for 3 car seats. I have 2 "slim" car seats, the safety 1st grand 2in1 booster car seats. I'm just waiting for my youngest to hit 30 pounds so I can buy him one too and have 3 across so that everyone has more room. Right now they're super squished in there because I'm using a safety 1st grow and go car seat for my youngest but it's a bit bulky. Once I get my own vehicle this won't be an issue, I want a suv for the extra room for shopping, sports, packing/moving, etc.

I didn't know that actually about googling it. That's really good to know that's for the info! I appreciate it
@kristaok 3 is definitely not a cakewalk (I have 3) but also contrary to the studies, I cannot imagine my life getting easier if I added a 4th kid right now. I imagine I would be much, much more stretched thin and there would be another kid needing something from me (story of my life it feels like right now lol, all of them needing something from me at the same time) .
@junobet I would agree it doesn't get easier adding a fourth but it doesn't get much crazier... Haha I have 5 kids ages 6, 5, 3, 2, and 16 months and I'm pregnant with my 6th. Sure my life is chaos but it's absolutely amazing seeing their bond and playing with one another.
@junobet I get that lol. I still kind of want a 4th but if I never do have another, I'll be happy with my 3 boys. I couldn't imagine my life without all 3 of them in it. The house is so quiet when they go to their dad's house though and I hate it. I felt stretched thin when my 3rd was just born, but now we're starting to get into a rhythm and routine with just the 4 of us. But unless I meet someone I'd want to have more kids with, I think 3 is where I'm stopping for rn, and it took some time to realize it, but I'm actually okay with that.
@kristaok Thanks for the thorough response! Our boys would be 3 & 5 when baby is born so maybe easier she split ? I’ve heard all those drawbacks…. What’s your favorite part if any?
@morgannicole555 Honestly? I love watching them play together. Like all 3 play together not just 2 and 1 is left out. It melts my heart watching their sibling bond grow as they get older. I literally watched my youngest walk up to my oldest, who was upset at the time, and put his arms out to him like "wanna hug?". At first he was like no so my youngest tried to climb onto the couch and give him one. Oldest didn't fully understand what he was doing until I explained, helped the youngest onto the couch. Then he offered a hug again, and my oldest let him lay on him and give him the biggest hug ever. My youngest then proceeded to pull away at arms length, look him in the face, smile the sweetest smile, then leaned in for another hug 😭😭. It was so hard to not cry watching that. He's such a lover. He's always bringing them toys or offering his big brothers hugs and kisses when upset or just at random. They do the same to him. He just toddles by and they're like hey lemme half tackle half hug you in an accidental headlock until you're laying on me on the floor 😅😂.

They will always have each other's backs and look out for each other. It's so sweet watching them grow so close and care so much about each other. No matter who is upset, they try their best to help cheer them up.
@morgannicole555 It’s the number of children you have under five that correlates to workload. If you have three under five you’re pretty ruined. If you have three but they’re all over five then you’ve got plenty of free time, although kids sport takes out some afternoons and half a weekend.
@cbeaudry 3 under 5 here and hard agree. Oldest just turned 4 in Feb, middle is 3 in July, and baby is 7 months old. Hardest pregnancy yet and our house is a thunderdome lol. That said, we haven't written a #4 off yet 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
@cbeaudry I just wanted to say your comment made me chuckle (not because it's wrong!!). I have an almost 3 year old, an 18 month old, and I'm 20 weeks with my third. We are definitely pretty ruined for a hot minute lol
@morgannicole555 The transition from 2 to 3 felt like nothing. It was super chill for us! My boys were 2 and almost 4 when our first daughter was born.

Important disclaimer - I am a stay at home mum and because we’re in Canada my husband had 9 months of parental leave after she arrived.