Is 3 almost easier?


New member
I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of transferring our baby girl embryo this Fall. I have two boys (almost 2 & 4) and I’m 40. Husband is not 💯 in … yet. One of my arguments is I feel like with three kids life is still routine and monotonous but less so. There’s more happening, more self play , more fun etc. where with two, the routines are so predicable. Is this true? Am I kidding myself? I know it’s more work as well … haha
@morgannicole555 Imo when we had two it felt like being on "easy mode" (in the sense that the kids had each other). Having 3 was when it felt really fun and like a party. They shifted around and it was just a feeling of fullness. Love it. I would suggest to wait until the oldest goes to school (looks like you're close since one is 4), esp if they're with a sahp because 3 littles at home was really rough for me (oldest was 3 when third was born). Glad we went for it (we have 4).
@morgannicole555 I had my first day home alone with the kids (2 daughters 3 and 20 months and 3 mo son) and I was terrified it was going to be so hard but my thought on the day that surprised me was having 3 was way more fun than 1 or even 2. So much entertainment and friendship and sure a meltdown but then everyone napped so yay!
@wavervelvet Bravo! That’s how I picture it! I don’t love playing and my eldest requires it. I picture with a third it being a self driving car in a way. They keep each other going 1 and the mundane parts are more fun bc it’s more cuteness and joy . Of course more issues etc but overall besides bedtime i see it being a full house party ! Haha
@morgannicole555 Hardest for me (7, almost 5, and 20 months, all boys) is the older two are ok the same schedule and #3 is not. He’s still very much nap dependent and we got slowed down quite a bit when he arrived. He is worth it though.

I’m not sure if I could not take a chance transferring your little girl if I were you 🩷 best of luck with whatever you decide.
@morgannicole555 I have three kids, and the third has been a much easier transition than the second! The older two play together so I can focus more on the baby, and I’m already used to having my attention split, so adding one more just didn’t feel like a big deal.

1-2 was the hardest transition for me. 0-1 was a big change but I loved the newborn stage and I coslept so it didn’t feel too bad, but having another child two years later was a big change after being able to give everything to my firstborn. Adding a third two years after that was easy because I knew what to expect and the older kids were already used to sharing me. They also entertain each other quite well.
@morgannicole555 I think 0-1 is the hardest transition! But definitely 2-3 after that. 1-2 was nothing, and I'm pretty chilled out about #4 (due in September). Adding our third really changed the workload for some reason. The laundry. The laundry!!!!! And #3 is pretty much always left out. I think it really depends on personalities though, as my second is a pretty smart and self-aware little dude so it feels like he and the oldest are closer, while my third is always leaps behind them developmentally. I look forward to everyone having a buddy again.
@morgannicole555 I think it’s sooo dependent on luck-of-the-draw with baby temperament for the transition, and to an extent also just kiddo personality when older. Anecdotally, most families I know with 3 find it a lot as they cling onto the structure of two and attempt to stretch. Whereas most families I know with 4+ are waaaay more chilled out and happier, imo because they’ve relaxed into being ‘outnumbered’ and found good strategies.
@morgannicole555 I have my stepson full time. I have my two cousins often enough that they call me mom. So on the regular I have three and I have a fourth often. Odd numbers are hard bc one will get left out and it’s chaotic. Even numbers are easier bc you can pair them off lmao