is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

@kman474 Thanks!

She has days where she goes easily down but today for an example, went down first window 3 hours and slept 1 hour 40 mins. I put her down at 3 hours and it’s been 30 min and she’s just awake in her crib. She doesn’t want to go down. But she usually goes down at 3 hours.
@daman777 I think if it’s working for you guys more often than not over the course of a week, then I would stick with those wake times.

My LO is also 8 months. 4 out of the last 7 days, his nap 2 was either only 30 mins long or it took him 39 mins to fall asleep. He was on 3/3/3.25, so yesterday, we switched to 3/3.25/3.25. Nap 2 went to 1.25.

Of course today, it’s only 30 minutes but toddler is home due to a snow day and just wanted to be part of his little brother’s naptime routine. So I think it’s an off day, but it’s hard to tell. I usually like to see a pattern over 7-14 days
@kman474 Yeah I’m not entirely sure. Past 4-5 days her naps have been 40-50 mins in length. Well sometimes get one nap to 1.5 hours and the other one 1 hour but like today, she’s only done two 50 min naps. I am not sure what to increase it by. I don’t want to have too much wake time. Maybe she needs 3/3.25/3.5-3.75. She only got 1 hour 45 min of naps in today. Which means she’d need a 12 hour night to get to 14 hours?
@daman777 I would prolly start with 3/3-3.25/3.25-3.5 for minimum 7 days strictly. Just pick which one you think has generally been her best. Maybe she’s a bit overtired? After the 7 days, you see a discernible pattern, adjust accordingly. If it’s kinda 50/50, I would even hold steady for 2 weeks. Theyre 2 long weeks, but it might be necessary to give you a clearer picture.
@daman777 It depends on the 8 month old, but as long as your LO isn't showing signs of upset about it (fussy at bedtime, false starts, etc) you're probably ok. My twins are 8mo today and one is taking some adjustment to get to 3/3/4 (she often needs the last wake window a little shorter) whereas the other is fine with last WW being up to 4.5
@daman777 To add a different perspective, it was not enough wake time for either of my kids at that age.

Average total sleep at this age is around 12-14 hours, and a 3/3/4 schedule asks for 14 hours. So it's actually a lot of sleep; maybe very high sleep needs babies need more, but it's not enough wake time for a lot of babies.

What matters is whether it's working for yours though, not anyone else's!
@stuart1717 I’m not sure if she’s high or low sleep needs. She averages 14 hours of sleep. Last night she slept a little over 11 hours and did 3 hours total of naps. No false starts or early wakings but I put her down 3 hours for first nap and she woke up after 40 mins 🤔

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