is 3/3/4 too much awake time for a 8 month old?

@kman474 Thanks!

She has days where she goes easily down but today for an example, went down first window 3 hours and slept 1 hour 40 mins. I put her down at 3 hours and it’s been 30 min and she’s just awake in her crib. She doesn’t want to go down. But she usually goes down at 3 hours.
@daman777 I think if it’s working for you guys more often than not over the course of a week, then I would stick with those wake times.

My LO is also 8 months. 4 out of the last 7 days, his nap 2 was either only 30 mins long or it took him 39 mins to fall asleep. He was on 3/3/3.25, so yesterday, we switched to 3/3.25/3.25. Nap 2 went to 1.25.

Of course today, it’s only 30 minutes but toddler is home due to a snow day and just wanted to be part of his little brother’s naptime routine. So I think it’s an off day, but it’s hard to tell. I usually like to see a pattern over 7-14 days

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