If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?


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In horror movies, when a young child sees a demon or a ghost and freaks out and runs to tell their parents, the parents don't believe them, despite the fact that sometimes they see them when they are wide awake. If your child saw a demon or a ghost and told you, would you believe them? I would say yes to an extent I would believe them because usually in these movies, those kids are freaking out, like they genuinely saw something scary or dangerous, so they clearly saw something, even if it's not a demon or ghost. They must have seen something, so I would investigate and believe them. What would you do, though?
@owly Ofc at the moment I would investigate, as you put it, to ensure there wasn’t some pervert trying to break in. After confirming all is safe, I would think they are just spooked from watching scary movies or something like that. If the behavior continued over time, I would be concerned about schizophrenia or night terrors, some sort of mental health issue.
@owly I would actually get them tested for various sleep disorders. Most "hauntings" are caused from stuff like sleep paralysis or sleepwalking.
@owly Yes I would. What is a horrifying Demon or ghost to a child could be someone just as scary trying to get in.

I would rather “waste” 5 mins of my time to reassure my child than have them too afraid of my reaction to tell me when they don’t feel safe.

Plus, even on the show Supernatural where they deal with all sorts of things creepy on a daily basis, they still don’t tell what’s going on and have no end of trouble, when a quick check would have prepared them for what they encounter !
@owly My child had a fever dream that spiders were crawling all over her. She would not be convinced there were no spiders on her with the lights on and all her blankets on the floor. Of course, I knew this was a fever dream. I didn't tell her what she thought wasn't real. I stayed with her until she calmed down. I also worked with kids who had very real and scary hallucinations. I never told them they weren't real. I'd just tell them that I don't see what they do and asked them to describe what happened. Then, I would help them take precautions and tell them they can always come get me and I'll stay with them until they feel safe again. Also, I would pummel anything that tries to hurt them into an ectoplasmic pulp because its my job to keep them safe. I take that job seriously. Demon/ghost better shut the hell up, I'm not having it! Nobody hurts kids around me. I won't allow it.
@owly My friend saw a demon as a kid outside her window a whole bunch. She told her mom, and when they checked they found footprints outside her window.

They never told her, she stopped seeing it, and the police got involved. She found out in her teens what happened, but she did get a better window covering/privacy film on her windows (I don’t remember the full story).

My kids now see ghosts at night. It’s Halloween. We live in a pretty new build with no ghosts. It’s almost Halloween. That is absolutely their imagination, but I validate how scared they must feel, and ask if they’re good or bad ones, have they tried talking to it, is it a dog? Basically going through removing the fear around it.
@owly After studying paranormal in college. I would believe them until their is a reason not to believe them. Children need to build trust with parents. Discounting your child if they are serious about certain things can do harm.
@owly Yesterday my 4 year old swore she saw a dinosaur outside her bedroom window, her reading tent was full of baby monsters, and a cat the size of a bear was under her bed. Kids say crazy shit all the time. That's why this is a horror movie trope.
@owly Well, I am raising my kid as a fully atheist ( of course she read some fictional stories and mythology but fully aware of the fact that they are made up) she saw no such nonsense ever. Whenever she is afraid she says “The shadow of the clothes on top of the chair looks scary to me can you fix it?” so no BS fiction so monsters. Very easy solution. She is 4 :)
@thankyoulord My mom was raised atheist, her parents both atheists...didn't stop her from being almost choked to death by "nothing" infront of her very panicked parents....even atheists can experience paranormal things i guess 🤣 needless to say that day they all changed beliefs a little 🤣🤣
@thankyoulord Well if there is nothing to see/feel then you would say there is nothing right? Yet it felt (and left marks on outside so no, it was not internal health issue like idk allergy or smth) as if hands were choking her. No hands seen or felt when they tried to help though so what was it? Imaginary hands that leave finger marks? Now THAT sounds as science fiction for real🤣

Idk what they did exactly, i was not even born yet, and it's not like my mom likes to talk about her traumatic childhood experience in detail. All i know is everyone was panicked and in fear, her mom was yelling in terror and at some point it stopped. It happend a day after my mom and friends messed with spirit board (like famous ouija) out of fun (not believing it works) and after that incident they properly terminated it and it never happened again.

Not sure why non middle easterners would murmur middle eastern magic?🤣 Anyway they hadn't believed before just like you and they learnt a lesson. Maybe one day you will experience simething paranormal and i would LOVE for people to make fun and discredit it so you for once see how it feels when people limited by their lack of experience are ignorant of experiences of others :)

Just because you never felt it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@raika dude all three biggest magic created in the Middle East, that was the reference. ı feel you're offended, but you are trying to convince someone online with 0 evidence.. I mean I don't want you to feel attacked but are sure that's how exactly happened? Were there really marks? You were not even there..There is one dude who promised 1M $ for anything paranormal. It was on since the ’60s, with no winner since.
@thankyoulord All the three magics? What are those supposed to be? Cuz my ancestors practiced slavic magic and as far as origins are traced it was a slavic thingy not middle eastern. Yes written records are from byzantine scholars but the practices come from my people 🤷🏼‍♀️also i have heard of way more than "3 magics" 😅 anyways...

How am i aupposed to prove something that was only seen by 3 people so their word is all we have? I am not bothered by the fact that you don't believe in something you never experienced, that's normal/common human reaction. But you can not claim something is BS just because you personally lack experience of it. Not when there are many people (this isnt the only story like this, some people actually managed to capture more compelling proves of their experiences) who went through this. If there are no other explanations (as i said this was not internal and she didn't have anything around her neck to leave prints) this is the only thing that makes sense and automatically calling it BS shows stupidity and ignorance.

I never had leg cramps, should i claim they don't exist and are BS? "But people really have them" yeah so they say, we don't believe in words soo no proof - cramps are BS, right? 🙄 see how stupid this is? You can say you don't believe in something because you personally never saw convincing evidence but you can not claim it to be false if you can not disprove the so many experiences of people, not explainable otherwise.

Just like i for example do not believe in god but i acknowledge historical records (which are just words of people mostly that sometimes allign with physical evidence) and i acknowledge sometimes odd "miracles" happen to people. Still doesn't make me believe there is all mighty god BUT i can not claim this is BS/impossible because well i can't disprove it no more than they can "prove it". That is a bold and ignorant claim. If someone claimed they can fly that is a lot less ambigous like you can easily prove/disprove. Or claim to be certain size etc. But thete are things that can not be proven or disproven for a fact and that's where we fill info by personal beliefs. It is important to understand this is not fact you can claim though. It is belief and yours is equally "right" as someone elses who believes differeny, until we can prove/disprove one/the other. Lack of recordings doesn't equal proof it doesn't exist. Many people in history were not recorded yet they existed ;) again if all these odd experiences of people can be explained by something else then yes that would disprove their words about it but as long as there is no better explanation this is a reasonable conclusion 🤷🏼‍♀️

There are many things that are POSSIBLE but not asured. You have right to believe whatnyou want but you can't claim something is not possible when there are enough instances about it to raise eyebrows at least (if not be convinced in believeing) :) that was my issue here
@owly I would move out of my house and not look back lol. I dont mess with spirits. They're very much real. I've never seen one, never want to. But I believe in their existence .
@owly I would take into account other possibilities first. Have they seen scary movies recently? Is it near Halloween time? Were they awake or asleep when it happened? Was it outside a window where it could’ve been a real person?
I do think both demons and ghosts are real and do present themselves to certain people. I also think children are more “open” or susceptible to seeing them. But I think it’s rare, so I’d look into more “logical” explanations first.
One time, though, when my daughter was maybe 3, she asked what Grandpa “Smith” was doing in the corner of her room. I don’t think we had ever mentioned her deceased grandpa before, ever. She was wide awake, this wasn’t the middle of the night or anything. I asked what Grandpa was doing, and she said he was just sitting there watching us read books and smiling. My husband and I just looked at each other with wide eyes, not knowing what to say, so we kept reading books. A few minutes later, we asked if he was still there and she said no. So anyway, I do believe she saw the ghost of her Grandpa.
@owly Believe? No. Entertain? Yes. If my child is scared, I will comfort them no matter what.

Obviously step one is to make sure it’s not an actual person in our house who’s not supposed to be there X
@owly I was the kid that saw weird stuff at night, and I’m glad my mom “didn’t believe me” because if she admitted she did in that situation I would have lost it
@owly When our son was 2 we were looking at a home we were interested in buying. When we got to the kitchen he started screaming that he didn’t like “that lady” and he was terrified. He described her as how you’d expect a 2yo would, scary hair and yellow eyes. Later on he called her a witch. We had to leave the property and he didn’t calm down til we were out of that neighborhood. I totally believe him. 2yos don’t really understand about lying usually.

We had one more instance during kindergarten where he saw something flying outside the car door. That one I’m not convinced about and I’m happy to say we had no more scary appearances.
@owly My 4 year old “sees” monsters. I validate his feelings but don’t believe him because it’s a natural part of his development and he’s not actually seeing monsters.