I was admitted to L&D Sunday due to contractions


New member
I'm going to try to keep this short, but wanted to share with you ladies who have supported me so much:

So as some of you know I found out early on in my pregnancy that I have 15 fibroid tumors on my uterus. The risk to the baby is preterm labor; the risk to me is pain and possibility of hemorrhage during c-section delivery (in addition to a few other things).

Well since that time I have had several instances of intense pain for 24-36 hours, which have been diagnosed as degenerating fibroids. I have vicodin for the pain and a treatment plan that includes steroids should things go from bad to worse.

Saturday/Sunday they went to worse.

I went to bed at 11pm Saturday night and got a very strange wave of like a head rush - almost felt like an intense panic attack coming on. Seconds later, I started having the familiar fibroid pain and knew I was having another episode. Except this episode was so intense that I was writhing in pain in my bed, rocking back and forth, calling out "ow ow ow ow" over and over and began to have the sensation that I needed to go to the bathroom or 'pass' something.

I took a vicodin and passed out finally, only to wake up at 7am with the pain just where I left it. We are talking 10 out of 10. So I I'm lying there thinking man, I wonder if I need to call an ambulance or something - finally decide to try to get up, quickly shower and make the trip down to the car and to the hospital. I got violently sick in the shower, blood vessels popped all over my face. It was horrible.

So I get to the ER and they admit me and give me some meds and do a cervix check and some fluids. I was there for a few hours and then the ER doc came in and said Labor and Delivery wanted to admit me so they could observe me for a while.

I was in L&D all day long. Until 6:30 p.m. They were even talking about keeping me overnight (scary). They did the fetal monitor thing on me and it turns out that what I had been experiencing were contractions. I was 18 weeks on the dot that day - so nowhere near viability :( They gave me morphine and a pill to stop the contractions (some kind of blood pressure medication) and also did an ultrasound to look at the fibroids. Through all of this the baby seemed to be fine, heartbeat fluctuating between 139 and 160.

I asked the L&D doctor (an awesome guy btw) if I needed to be worried and he said that yes, to be honest he was worried. He also said that they don't typically see preggos in L&D at the hospital until 20 weeks, but because of my fibroids and the fact that I'm already being treated by a perinatologist, they were making an exception to try to preserve the pregnancy. My husband was crying. It was awful.

But - long story short - my contractions did start to die down, I started to look/feel better, and they eventually sent me home. It's still a wait and see game, but for now I'm still pregnant, still feeling movement from this little sucker, and still hanging in there.

Thanks for reading and I guess the TLDR is: Fibroids in pregnancy are nothing to screw around with, and that if your instinct tells you something is wrong with your pregnancy, just in general, you need to get to the doctor ASAP and not worry about looking dramatic.
@b3789 I am so glad you went in and that all was okay!

I have seven fibroids, which luckily never did much my last pregnancy. I had unexplained preterm labor for 24 hours at 34 weeks, but it stopped on it's own after an L&D trip. It is definitely worrisome.

I really hope yours stop causing so much trouble, I am sending you and LO good vibes!
@littlemelittleu2 Thank you very much! I had no idea they'd cause this much trouble. I am glad to see so many forum posts and such from ladies with similar experiences; it helps me feel like what I'm going through is somewhat common and most often has a happy ending. I'ts just exhausting and scary to have this happen - I'm too far in at this point to be able to just chalk this up to a miscarriage. I can't even fathom how you ladies with late losses have managed...I'm just trying to keep my faith up and hang in there.
@b3789 Hugs. You manage because you have to. I sincerely hope you never have to.

I really think the biggest thing is to stay as calm as you can. There is a lot they can do to prevent early labor, and should the worst happen and labor starts, even delay things until better viability.

Speaking of- you're only 8 weeks away from extremely good survival rate for babies born early! You can do this. :)
@b3789 Oh my god!!! ((((hugs))))

I'm SO glad you guys are both okay. That is absolutely terrifying.

Are you on bed rest or anything at this point? What exactly is the game plan at this point? Just keep an eye on things and if it starts again, back to L&D for monitoring & drugs to halt contractions?

I'm so sorry this is all happening. I'm also incredibly thankful you went to the ER and got help, and so very happy they were able to stop the contractions.
@johnboy99 Sooo...that's the weird thing. No game plan. Just return to life as usual and if it happens again, come back. They even gave me a L&D parking pass?

I am really hoping to not be on bed rest because I declined short term disability like an idiot last year and can't put us in that situation financially. I could probably work from home but it just seems like a hassle that I'd rather avoid.

I actually had a really good care experience, so that's a good omen for the future, considering I went to the hospital where I'll be delivering. Trying to find the positive here, ya know?!

And thank you!
@b3789 Oh man! I'd say it's sure worth talking to your manager & seeing if you can do some sort of at least part-time WFH deal, make it easier on you. I'm pretty much full-time WFH (in the office 1/2 day a week usually) and it's making life a lot easier for me. If I had to be in the office every day right now, I would not make it.

I'm really glad they're taking this so seriously and you even have a parking pass!! GOOD! I mean, not good that you need it, but good that it's available.
@b3789 Oh wow, I'm so glad it worked out in the end! That must have been a terrifying experience.

The good news is you're getting close to viability. Hang in there, girl, you got this!
@b3789 Whoa so scary!! I am so sorry you and your husband had to go through that but good for you for getting yourself to the ER in time!
@b3789 Oh God, sweetie. I don't know what to say. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts/prayers!! Next time get to the hospital at the first sign of trouble, ok? So glad you and baby are okay!! No more scares, okay?
@b3789 o.m.g. You just lived a nightmare! The rest of your pregnancy better be uneventful from now on. No more pain, body, you hear that? I send you healthy good vibes your way xoxo
@b3789 You are a warrior! You got this girl, hang in there, we all are with you and this kiddo is going to be fine. I'm rooting for you and I send to you all the good vibes I have.
About going to the dr. A thousand times yes. If something feels off, go asap, nothing in the world, not even a bad face from anyone can make you feel worse if you save your kiddos life.
Big hugs and so proud of you.
@b3789 I started crying while reading this. I am so glad you went in and everything is ok for the time being!

I really hope your fibroids start cooperating so your baby can grow big and strong inside. Good throughts and vibes sent your way!
@b3789 I'm so glad they got the contractions stopped. I start to worry about you when you don't post for awhile. did they give you anything to watch for? Any recommendations to hopefully not have this happen again? So scary. Hugs.