I see pregnant women. . . . E.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e


New member
Srsly they are everywhere! We were at ikea on sun afternoon, it was like there was a convention of women with their glorious bumps. It's funny cause I whispered to my hubby "they're everywhere" and he commented and pointed at some lil ones in strollers and I was like "no preg, they are everywhere." And he said he didn't even notice. He was more interested in the lil ones so yay for him being baby excited. Its maddening waiting but gah I'm excited for the future!
@bumble I have a few problems with your reply.

1) The implication that pregnancy is somehow a bad thing. It's not. I'm in the sub because I'm waiting to try and super excited about it. I greatly appreciate that their culture is so baby-friendly.

2) The implication that Mexicans don't get pregnant at a vastly higher rate than whites. They do. No one can dispute that they do and I don't know why anyone would want to.

3) The implication that pointing out an inoffensive, indisputable, and mildly humorous trait of another culture is 'racist'.

Every time I visit any Mexican area of town I see numerous pregnant women. In white areas of town, they're like unicorns. And that's the part that depresses me.

If I'm being in any way racist, it's against my own race, which has apparently decided that reproduction is lame.
@travis73 Well, by definition, racism is when you classify a trait as being due to a person's race, so it is racism. Just because you view it as a positive trait doesn't mean it isn't racist.
It's entirely possible it is true, but correlation isn't causation.
Well, by definition, racism is when you classify a trait as being due to a person's race, so it is racism.

First of all, while there are several definitions of racism, that's not one of them. Secondly -- and this really can't be overstated -- 'Mexican' is not a race.

I made it clear that I attributed the higher birthrate to culture. If you won't concede that culture affects such things, I don't know that there's a point to discussing this with you.

It's entirely possible it is true

It's extremely well-documented and beyond doubt.

but correlation isn't causation

People sure do like to overuse this phrase. Unless you're implying that I thought they spontaneously became pregnant because of their race (race causing pregnancy rather than being correlated with it), this isn't an appropriate objection.