I need to know if I’m being unreasonable

@agapeos1080 She is probably doing the majority of the parenting at her house, and is getting resentful. Instead of dealing with her problems with your ex she is finding other things to focus her resentment on.

I know people are saying to ignore it, but I feel like her comment was passive aggressive and I think it’s better to call out that sort of behaviour.

I would say something like “what exactly are you inferring?”

Making people who are like this be direct usually stops the behaviour because they have issues with confrontation.
@heavensvoice Thank you! I feel as though a lot of people on here are sort of missing the point of my post. My issue isn’t that she wants to be included, my issue is that she seems to think that she has a place as a parent rather than an adult who loves my child. I want my daughter to have as much people who love her as possible! She doesn’t need another mother, and she has no right to question my parenting.
@agapeos1080 It doesn’t sound like she’s questioning your parenting. It sounds like you are questioning her parenting and the issues regarding weather she should even be parenting your child at all.

Reality is that in their home she probably is taking on a vast amount of the parental responsibilities. That’s how it usually goes. Maybe she doesn’t feel you respect her as a parental figure, and it sounds like she would be correct in that assessment.

She is being passive aggressive so she doesn’t feel comfortable going to you directly. That could be because of her own personal issues, or it could be because you’ve made her feel uncomfortable being direct with you.

If it is the second option only you can change things by adjusting your perspective and attitude towards her.
@heavensvoice I can’t question her parenting because she’s not a parent? I’ve been very communicative with her and nice to her since the beginning. I was initially very happy she was around because my ex stopped pestering me about getting back together, she was really nice to my daughter, she did her hair super cute and put her in adorable outfits. All of this behavior is seemingly random over the last 8 months.
@agapeos1080 I never said you were out of line for questioning her “parenting”, im not in your situation. I’m just suggesting you reflect on why she may be behaving this way and what your part in it may be.

Your child only has 1 mom, but if you expand your perspective on what a parental figure is it might impact how you treat her and your general attitude towards her, even if it’s unintentional.
@agapeos1080 Like others have said, ignore the grandma comment. It's most likely just pot stirring, but if GF is trying to bring up something valid, then your ex should be the one to bring it up.

The emergency contacts... I would leave them in the backpack. She could have made it because (1) she wanted to stir the pot (2) because she doesn't understand how the school works, and is trying to be helpful or (3) is trying to address a legitimate need.

When my son was 5, he got really lost at the park and it deeply scared him. For a long time after, he carried a paper with my number and dad's number. Maybe your daughter mentioned something about wanting to have everyone's number, or maybe GF wanted to ease her anxiety about being reachable.

Regardless, I'm not sure it's worth mentioning at this time. But take note so that you can address it if things get weird in the future.
@remant Yeah, I agree with most of what you said! As far at the contact list goes, it’s really pointless to have because the teachers aren’t allowed to search the kids belongings, they have an EC list that’s in the office, the card stays in her backpack which she doesn’t bring anywhere but school, and she gets picked up and dropped off by me.

Not only does it seem entirely redundant to have, even if - by some random happenstance of events - they do utilize this card, I feel entirely uncomfortable with my ex’s girlfriend being notified of an emergency before I am.
@agapeos1080 I find it weird that the gf texted you about how much time your daughter is with your mom. Any questions like that should come from your ex, the child’s father. He has custodial rights and she does not. Her texting you to coordinate some small logistical thing at a pickup or something would be different. This sounds more like a fishing expedition. I’d simply ignore or say something like “Ex can contact me if he has anything related to Child he’d like to discuss.”
@dachinedur I also found it weird considering my ex never had / continues not to have an issue with my mom. Often, if he can’t get to pick up on time when it’s his turn, my mom is the one who helps him out by keeping my daughter longer or even dropping her off sometimes. They get along pretty well. When he came back into my daughter’s life when she was two, he requested supervised visits were with my mom instead of me because we weren’t on the best terms at the time. I don’t really know why she asked, because it doesn’t seem like a concern for him.
@agapeos1080 Fuck it. Feel how you feel. Reasonable. unreasonable. Feel it. You've got a lot of good perspectives here and lots of devils advocates. And from how you replied, and the fact that you asked, you are a Reasonable mama reasonably annoyed with bullshit ex's gf is pulling.

Who gives a fuck what her intentions are. What are her actions? They look fucking sketch to me.

She's overstepping.

Whatever her reasons or intentions. It's the actions that are what matters. Make a new emergency card without her number. Fuck. Sratch out her number and put the card back. lol. Teach your kid to clearly identify that woman as NOT her mother to anyone of authority.

Fuck passive aggressive moves this woman is making. It can all look reasonably ok, which is what passive aggression is, plausible deynability. "I wasn't stealing your kid. She is ex's kid. And I'm with ex.."

I'd shut that down fast. But clearly I'm a hot head :p
@willowwhisp I mean yeah.. this is close to how I feel as well lol which sucks because for a long time I was happy she was there. She was better at doing my daughter’s hair and dressed her in cute outfits and stuff. I just feel like the last few months she’s been overstepping more and more and it makes me uncomfortable.

She called herself my daughter’s “parent,” and I was like.. actually, no. She’s not even my ex’s wife so she’s not even a step parent. Girl, you are just my ex’s girlfriend.
@agapeos1080 For real! And abusers start small. See what they can get away with. Who they can convince. We're playing by the nice rules. They play by the what can I get away with rules.

Dramatic. Yes I am. But I've been used for the last time. I'm done being in the "nice guys finish last" group. I'm done giving people passes and making my needs small so they can feel better - get what they want.

What you want for your kid is what matters. If your uncomfortable now. When it's small. It could get worse. And that uncomfortable could become resentment or regret...

I don't know how to stop this. I'm thinking about bing in this for myself. Because its coming for me some day. Im just sure. My best thought is to make sure she isn't approved for anything at school and doctors office. Maybe a firm letter on your lawyers letter head defining her absoult 0 legal power over your child. I don't knownifbthats even an option lol!! I would absolutely throw a fit if my ex said his flavor of the month gets to pick up my kid from school.
@agapeos1080 I’m the stepparent (girlfriend) of my SO’s son. We’ve been together 4.5 years. I’ve also been in the position where my ex-husband added his girlfriend (i.e., woman he cheated on me with) on the pickup list for school. Man, that irked me. I had the school take her off the first year. He never had her go get the kids anyway, nor did she do any other pick-ups and drop-offs of any sort. It was stupid to me. The next year I noticed her added again. I toggled the pick-up list where she was dead-last, below me, my ex, my brother, and ex’s mom. After that, I just stopped giving a shit about it as much. I hated seeing her name, but it was mostly tied up in my own resentment about my marriage, which was obviously long-since over by that point.

After my current SO came into the picture, I noticed some pretty serious discipline issues between my SO and his son. His son is mainstreamed, but is ASD and has some pretty annoying and repetitive behaviors. For example, he would (and still does really) pester and pester and pester until he gets his way. He is single minded and it’s extremely difficult to get him to take no for an answer. My SO can tend to be a lazy parent, and his lack of control over stepson was affecting my kids and they were starting to lose their minds. For example. SS would pester my daughter ALL DAY to play with him. If she said no, she’s doing homework/has a zoom call with teachers/she’ll play with him later, he’d ask again in 3 minutes, sit outside her door, walk in on her without knocking, and ask again, rinse and repeat, ALL. DAY. LONG. He’d do the same with my son. If I was at work, or if I let my SO handle his son even when I was home, he’d ignore it, maybe say “stop asking them” a time or two and allow him to pester. I basically demanded my SO use time outs. Step up and be a parent. This behavior is not acceptable. Maybe your ex is a lazy parent and GF had to advocate for behavior change, and though I’m assuming time-out infractions are minor compared to my above example, maybe just let it go, which is sounds like you have.

In the area of emergency numbers, it’s GOOD that your child has them in her backpack. Swap out the list for one with your number at the top, or label the correct order. This way, say if your daughter is separated from you for any reason, she can give it to a police officer, or to whomever the number to contact you. My SS is 11, nearly 12, and I had to teach him how to dial a phone this past summer. His mom just programs in numbers in a track phone that he never ever has with him. I made SS learn all of our numbers and addresses. He recited emergency contact info to me every day in exchange for iPad time. I had the list in my handwriting on the back of his phone. (I was sensitive and put my name last though.) He fought me on learning them, but I wouldn’t budge. Every kid needs to learn parents numbers for emergencies. Conversations went like this: What happens if you get separated from us in a summer nights crowd?(an event we sometimes attend) I won’t. But what if you did? I won’t. It happens to kids all the time, so what if you did? I’d call you. With what phone? With my phone. But you never bring your phone with you, so whose phone would you use? Someone else’s. How would you call us? I’d just call you. But you don’t know our numbers, and a stranger definitely won’t know our numbers either, so how would you call us? I’d just call. How? By learning your numbers. Bingo!

Let your daughter have emergency contact info. Tell her where to find it in case she needs it. If girlfriend’s handwriting bothers you, or you want your name at the top of the list, write it neatly on a new index card, throw away the old list, and move on. Coparenting is hard enough without getting bent out of shape about things like this. At least Girlfriend talks to you. My ex husband is married to affair partner now. It’s been years, and I still have never had a conversation with her. At least I have a working relationship with SS’s mom.

As far as the text about your mom, just ignore it. Don’t even respond. Most people will get the hint from radio silence that it wasn’t the best choice to ask in the first place.
@getlostinthewild Yeah maybe I will make a new list. However, the teachers aren’t allowed to go through the children’s things, they have an EC list, and my daughter doesn’t bring her backpack anywhere besides school so it seems a little redundant to me 😅 I like the idea of having one for her when we go out though! So thank you for that suggestion
@agapeos1080 I hope it works for you! I hate it when the kids’ stepmom crowds my turf. Maybe it’s a primal territorial thing, but I completely get it. When my kids tell me something their stepmom says, I have to be really conscientious of my responses, because I’d rather she just not exist at all. It’s terrible to say, but at least I’m honest. Haha
@agapeos1080 The list … I can see it being useful if your kid somehow ‘escaped’ from the school premises. So for that reason, it doesn’t seem like a bad idea. The ordering would piss me off too but probably not enough to say anything unless I legitimately thought the gf was a bad person to be picking up my child or to respond in an emergency (although I’d make sure my number was also on there, of course! I’d also probably label them so people knew who they were, eg Tony - dad, Mary - mum’s mum, Karen - dad’s partner, etc.

ETA: it could be the gf didn’t even give it much thought but was just like ‘uhhh, contact numbers, okay. Tony’s number. Hmm, better put mine in case he’s at work and can’t pick up. Oh yeah and Mary’s …’ etc.
@psychopath2313 I mean.. if someone called her first I am five seconds away and she is over an hour. And no, it wouldn’t be particularly harmful, but if she escaped school somehow I doubt she’d bring her backpack lol it’s almost as big as she is and she never carries it. I’m not saying that to ignore your point, I see what you’re saying, but I know my kid and it’s just not her style lol
@agapeos1080 My ex put his girlfriend of 3 months on the daycare pick up list and she started aggressively complaining that I was ignoring her when I was picking up my daughter from her dad's. To be fair I wasn't actually posting attention to her I was just excited to see my daughter....I didn't know I was suppose to make her feel comfortable during my toddler's transitions between parents 🙄

I just don't get why women feel it's ok to impose themselves on their SOs children. Coparenting is freaking hard enough. Especially when they have no children of their own. Stay in your lane. I have a boyfriend who has a son, and I definately would treat him the same as my daughter, be loving and kind etc etc, but i have zero interest in getting involved with decision making for him. Even if I disagree about something, it doesn't matter bc I'm not his parent. Ask me for help or ask me for my opinion, sure. But to proactively insert yourself where you are not needed is so inappropriate, and it just fucking confuses the kids more.

You're not being unreasonable in your feelings, not at all. But from here, you just need to keep being the bigger person. Does the daycare have the emergency contact list? Then throw that one away if you want (bc it confuses things) but I wouldn't address it with them. There's two things going on, hey crossing boundaries and the best interest of the child. You can be pissed and annoyed that she is crossing boundaries, but for the good of your child pick your battles.

I've learned to just not engage at all. If he would like to talk to me about are daughter, great! But I'm not going to discuss his girlfriend's feelings or perspective wants or needs. But unless she's doing my laundry and cooking me dinner too 🤣 That's his job. Don't get into any conversation about what she wants, just stick to what the kid needs as the focus point and anything outside of that is not your responsibility to mentally worry about.
@anonymous108723 This is great advice, thank you so much 🖤 I do appreciate the feedback on this post and I feel similarly to you. I don’t feel the need to engage with her and I truthfully don’t know why she feels the need to air her grievances out with me. It’s clear she has some type of issue with the way things run at my house and I could care less about that because I don’t interfere at their house and have no intention to. I just want the same respect I am giving.