I just need to be a n g r y for a hot minute

@garthman33 EXACTLY! I have an 8-month-old now, and let me tell you, not once in 8 months have I longed to be pregnant again. Whatever this baby is doing now is not nearly as stressful and painful and exhausting as my ENTIRE pregnancy was. Some people have easy pregnancies and downplay what other women go through. Some of us have totally miserable (but perfectly healthy, even) pregnancies. Don’t ever judge a pregnant woman for being desperate to get that baby out.
@melissarowe1992 This was my (ex) MIL. She had two easy pregnancies, loved being pregnant, birth without meds, the whole thing. I had hyperemesis gravidarum and a whole host of awful pregnancy side effects. She would tell my husband not to waste money on the foods I might think I could eat if I was just going to be nauseous at the thought later. Which, when I've been hospitalized for not eating, is not great advice. Even the snide comments about epidurals. Not a fan.
@melissarowe1992 Lol. She did it in that sickly sweet concerned way that's just laden with judgy undertones. And we had had a great relationship up until then so I tried not to take it personally. But yeah, looking back, very awful.

That's still so bad! So not okay :/
@nmj My MIL is very old and from a totally different culture and was a doctor, so I think it was mainly just a cultural difference and just classic doctor trying to follow the progress. It still grated on my nerves, but was easier to ignore. I would just laugh and say “Mom! It’s rude to ask a woman her weight!” And she would laugh too and we’d move along. She’d still ask the next time she called though 😂
@melissarowe1992 And then afterwards, my feet swelled like crazy with all the extra fluid and she kept bringing up how i must be soaking wet all the time while I'm getting rid of it! Wtf lady. Why do you care if i pee myself for a couple days??
@garthman33 I’m only 34 weeks and the “Sleep while you can!” comments are driving me effing insane. Sleep when?? Between the violent kicks or the half hour between rolling over because my entire arms go numb?
@katrina2017 I thought I would cry when people said that to me while I was pregnant because I couldn't imagine being more exhausted, but my baby is 8 weeks now and I sleep SOOO much better than when I was pregnant! Don't listen to them!
@kingback I appreciate this!

Honestly, even if I get less sleep after baby is here, I will probably still feel more well rested because I won’t be physically miserable when I’m relaxing
@katrina2017 Omg I thought I was the only one who had the arms going numb problem! I’ve been sleeping in a recliner since like 20 weeks because of it. It helps, but I’m with you on the “sleep while you can” comments!
@katrina2017 YES. My hands go numb when I’m trying to scroll on my phone (sitting upright), and my fingers get so stiff and painful like they need to be popped in half to feel better. What even is life?!
@bill007 I'm wanting to try sleeping in a recliner because of the same problem, but haven't found anything on how far back I can safely recline. Have any tips?
@jeannetteh Well, to be fair, my recliner doesn’t go back far enough that I would be completely flat on my back. The footrest part of it comes up high enough to keep my feet super elevated, but I usually only recline to like a 45° angle. Sorta like if I were sitting in bed propped up with a bunch of fluffy pillows, but my head is more comfy! But from everything I’ve read/heard, it’s perfectly safe to recline - baby has been super healthy at every checkup (no low heart rate issues), and when I have mentioned it around the OB and nurses, they’ve never cautioned against it. In fact, when I told one of the nurses I’m recliner-bound to sleep, she laughed compassionately and said, “Ooh girl I know you’re really uncomfortable if you’re in the recliner already!” 😂

Honestly I would give it a shot, and if it helps you sleep, by all means keep doing so. I’ve tried body pillows and all the things and figured out that eventually there comes a point where trying to lie horizontally just isn’t feasible or worth the effort.
@bill007 Thanks for such a thoughtful response. I am 18+5 right now, and the two weeks I've been sleeping on my side have been killer even with a body pillow. I'm definitely going to try out the recliner tonight! Thanks and here's to a good night's sleep!