UPDATE! I finally got called in at around 16:00, got here and checked in! We’re all hooked up, epidural started, just waiting for the kid now!
Original post~
Hi hello. I’m 41 weeks pregnant, 3-4 cm dilated, 90% effaced. My induction was scheduled for LAST NIGHT. Am I at the hospital? No, of course not. I’m still at home because there at 6 scheduled inductions that had to be delayed ahead of me. And I get it, not the hospitals fault, or anyone’s fault at all. But like... dang.
So while I’m upset and in pain, and genuinely haven’t slept in about 2 weeks because of the ever increasing in size child inside of me, my husband can sleep perfectly fine, super late, and not have a care in the world and I’m just jealous????
Also if I hear one more family member tell me something along the lines of “ShE jUsT nEeDs mOrE tiMe tO bAkE”, “sHe’Ll cOmE wHeN sHeS sUpPoSed tO”, or “bAbIEs dOnT rUn oN sCheDuLeS”, I may actually commit arson.
A completely incoherent rant but I’m about to lose my ever loving shit
Original post~
Hi hello. I’m 41 weeks pregnant, 3-4 cm dilated, 90% effaced. My induction was scheduled for LAST NIGHT. Am I at the hospital? No, of course not. I’m still at home because there at 6 scheduled inductions that had to be delayed ahead of me. And I get it, not the hospitals fault, or anyone’s fault at all. But like... dang.
So while I’m upset and in pain, and genuinely haven’t slept in about 2 weeks because of the ever increasing in size child inside of me, my husband can sleep perfectly fine, super late, and not have a care in the world and I’m just jealous????
Also if I hear one more family member tell me something along the lines of “ShE jUsT nEeDs mOrE tiMe tO bAkE”, “sHe’Ll cOmE wHeN sHeS sUpPoSed tO”, or “bAbIEs dOnT rUn oN sCheDuLeS”, I may actually commit arson.
A completely incoherent rant but I’m about to lose my ever loving shit