@brandon_d Yeah, it’s a science for sure. Just to be clear, gas and diarrhea can be caused by so many other things. My kids also had a diary and soy allergy which gave them bad tummy issues.
Having an oversupply will be accompanied by feelings of engorgement, tenderness, clear milk. To test this, pump milk and leave it in a clear bottle in the fridge. As it drops in temp, It will separate and the cream will rise to the top. You can see the proportion then.
I do suggest stop pumping unless 2 things-
(1) you want a freezer supply
(2) the baby isn’t gaining, or is losing weight which is an indication you aren’t producing enough. You would then need to either pump after a feed to signal the body to make more, or switch to formula.
Pay attention to what the baby is telling you. Fussy after a feed and Still hungry? Or sleepy and content? You ever seen a new born baby milk drunk? That’s the best outcome
. Follow your baby’s lead, they will tell you what they need.