I don’t get why people want more than one


New member
I just had my daughter in August and in my Facebook due date group there’s moms talking about currently being pregnant again, or ttc, or looking forward to getting pregnant again, or wishing they could and I cannot even begin to understand that thought process. I’m SO DONE.

The thought of getting pregnant again makes me nauseous.
@sheyla_musicofgod Same. I always said I'd have 2 or 3, because I grew up with two brothers, so that was just normal. Then I had one and yeah, I'm good.

Flip side, my best friend from childhood grew up as an only. He and his wife have 4, all within a couple years of each other.

@2ndlight Mine is 19 months and I’m horrified when I meet people with two under two. I know I’m projecting and maybe that’s what they wanted or even planned for, but I just think that is too many small kids for one or even two parents to handle
@2ndlight And broke and physically recovering and doubly stressed about breastfeeding and supply…. I think it would take to much sacrifice of my parenting ethos to cope with 2 under 2….
@sumeria People say it’s worth it to have the tiny baby years consolidated and out of the way sooner, but I’m afraid that I wouldn’t be able to be a quality parent for the hard years with more than one tiny kid
@olivemcr That's why my mom got pregnant with my brother when I was one. I'm like that's nuts 😂 She lucked out my brother was an easier baby then me and we were fairly chill toddlers.
@snickeringfox Same here. And as he grew I thought, I'll want a second one when I'm ready for a second. I figured if I wasn't ready by the time he was 3, then we were done. He's 7 now, and we're good.
@jtyrer This is basically how I’m approaching it too. I could see myself happy with my only but have always “pictured myself” having 2. But either way, at this point I’m fine with a larger (3-4 year) age gap between kids so my husband and I plan to just reassess in a couple years to see if it’s something we actually want or if we just want to stick to one. If we did have another though I told him I plan to get my tubes tied after (I’d need a C-section anyways) because 2 is my absolute max lol
@olivemcr I have a super chill 18 month old and have enjoyed every stage from newborn to now. I still cannot imagine how people have the energy for more than one, ESPECIALLY so close in age! How do you have time to even enjoy it anymore??
@olivemcr Same! A friend just announced she’s expecting her second. It’ll be a 17 month age gap. I’m happy she’s happy, but when I look at my 18 month son and think about adding a newborn to the mix… I have a visceral reaction of being so relieved that it’s not me.
@olivemcr I saw a couple at Costco who's first kid was twins. That's some rough shit right there. I see people comment on Reddit about having more kids after twins or triplets and Im like was the first experience not enough 🧐
@2ndlight I mean, I understand why people want more than one. I love the idea of a second, for my daughter to have a sibling to grow up alongside. I always imagined I’d have two or three. I just know that I can’t handle the reality. It would take me from thriving like I currently am, to only surviving. I think some people can just handle it better and I know myself well enough to understand that I’m not one of them.