I don’t get why people want more than one

@sundance5 My 3yo getting norovirus, then my husband and I getting it 24 hours later, definitely swayed me. It was pure hell. All of us every 15-30 minutes for hours… cleaning up puke between puke sessions. No clue how I’d do it with a baby added on.
@sumeria Truly it was our first family stomach bug that swayed me. Giving him a bottle with one hand while holding a trash can to barf in with the other…on the one hand it showed me what I was capable of, and on the other hand… God, why?
@2ndlight Every day.. I wonder how people did this more than once.

Me & 3 of my other friends were all pregnant or had just given birth at the same time in 2022-2023… the other 3 are pregnant AGAIN. I am flabbergasted. Befuddled. I’m just now starting to feel like myself again & getting my bearings after 13 months. I only drink bottled water at their houses.
@sazbastein This is me and my little circle of mom friends. We were all pregnant in 2022 and had our babies within 4 months of each other. The other 2 moms are pregnant again and I feel like I just got above the drowning level here at 16 months (their kids are 20 months and 18 months). They’re both complaining about awful morning sickness and exhaustion WHILE parenting their toddlers and it all just sounds like literal torture to me. I’m exhausted enough just with my one toddler.
@2ndlight I don’t get it either. When i see or hear other women talking about how beautiful pregnancy or childbirth or breastfeeding or the newborn days are, I just think “oh…they’re crazy.” (Kidding, of course, I just do not feel that way).
@sumeria My best friend is one of those “I love being pregnant” women and I think she’s a little insane lol meanwhile I was heavily showing by 20ish weeks pregnant, gained 45lbs, had the sciatica, pelvic girdle pain, fainting spells if I didn’t eat enough (hence why I gained 45lbs lol), and had to be induced early due to liver complications. Oh and of course never being able to breathe lol
@snickeringfox 1st trimester, "morning" sickness every day from noon until I went to bed. 2nd trimester was ok We were able to travel a bit, and little Italian nonnas love a pregnant lady, so that was delightful. But 3rd trimester meant insane heartburn, pelvic girdle pain, elevated BP, and ICP, a liver/gallbladder issue that made me so maddeningly itchy I couldn't sleep until my son was born, and had to be induced early due to increased Rick of stillbirth. Induction meant unending intense labor pains, then 7 separate attempts at placing the epidural before it worked. Then I developed PUPPP after delivery.

Also PPD (and undiagnosed antenatal depression that made it impossible to connect with the child my body was growing). Then the actual parenting of an infant/toddler.

Yeah, no thanks. Once was plenty.

Edit: not trying to compete, just commiserate!
@jtyrer Sounds like you had cholestasis too. That’s what I had with my son which is why I was induced at 37 weeks. Even with an early induction he was large (8lbs) and ended up getting stuck (shoulder dystocia) on the way out causing a traumatic birth and significant tearing. All of that on top of the “normal” postpartum stuff contributed to my development of PPA/PPD.

It sounds like neither one of us had a cake walk pregnancy/delivery/postpartum experience so we can definitely commiserate together lol (I didn’t think you were trying to compete with experiences but thank you for adding that clarification in anyways ❤️).

Sometimes I’m jealous of those women who have easy pregnancies/deliveries but in the same hand I’m grateful for the experiences because if anything it showed me just how strong I can be and what us women truly are capable of. Godspeed to you going forward in motherhood ❤️ It’s such a hard job
@snickeringfox Yup, cholestasis, fun times. I heard about it from a friend whose cousin started a nonprofit to spread awareness after she suffered a stillbirth. So when I woke up with itchy hands at 34 weeks, I knew what was up. Ended up being induced at 38+0 to my 9.5 lb son. As if pregnancy isn't rough enough!