I don’t FEEL pregnant


New member
I also posted this on baby bumps.

Tomorrow will be 7 weeks, so I know it’s still early. But I don’t FEEL pregnant and it makes me nervous.

5 years ago I had a miscarriage and it happened so quick from finding out I was pregnant to that. And same thing I didn’t have any symptoms.

I took two tests, and got the blood test so I know I am. But I just don’t see the signs. Im also an overweight teacher so things like feeling more tired, I can’t tell if that’s just from teaching or pregnancy. I don’t feel sick and I know I should be thankful but it just makes me nervous. I still don’t have my first appointment for another two weeks I just want it to happen!

The only other sign is I’ve had an occasional cramp but that’s it. Did anyone else have minimal signs??
@doks I didn’t find out I was pregnant til 9 weeks. And I didn’t start really feeling pregnant until maybe 13-14 weeks. The only reason I found out at 9 weeks was because I had a little pressure in my uterus area and got checked out (it’s a bit of a long sorry but I did ivf and we thought the transfer didn’t take but it turned out it did…).

No symptoms does not necessarily mean anything bad. Every pregnancy is different and some people don’t have a lot of symptoms right away.

I hope when you go in for your first appointment that can provide you with more reassurance. 🫂
@doks Honestly, I joke that if I weren’t trying to get pregnant on purpose I could have been on an episode of “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant.” At least until the kiddo started moving. If I hadn’t had a positive test, any symptoms I did have were so mild that I could have easily explained them away. Some of us just have low symptoms pregnancies. That said, you might just need a week or two for the classic symptoms to hit. Congratulations!
@forrestm I'm 14 weeks and it's been the same for me so far. I actually told my husband the same joke.

I'd had an IUD for years before trying and didn't get a period on it, so even missing one didn't immediately register "pregnant" to me. And I've been tired, vaguely queasy and weirdly sore - but again, nothing that would scream "pregnant!" - if I wasn't actively trying, I'd just chalk it to my weight.

Like OP, I'm kinda just waiting for it to really hit me.
@doks I'm 23 weeks and don't necessarily feel pregnant either. My brain still hasn't accepted there is a baby in there. I thought I got away with no morning sickness until about week 8 and it hit me like a Mack truck lol it did subside around week 13 though.
@doks I found out at 3 and a half weeks lol .. it was torture and honestly I didn't feel pregnant at all .. even know I hardly do. I never got any symptoms just the fatigue .. now that I'm 25 weeks .. I only get the ligament pains in my pelvis and back lol .. and just always super tired with no energy but that's because I'm anemic .. I just started iron transfusions... I'm also overweight lol every now and then I can feel baby move .. the other night I finally felt a little kick
@doks I still don't feel pregnant and I'm at 16w 😅 it got real though during my first US. I have had minimal symptoms. a couple crampy days, no nausea. my biggest symptom was sore boobs.
@doks I never had symptoms really other than tiredness and my usual before period sore boobs.

No nausea, sickness anything
I didn’t feel pregnant at that stage either

I ONLY feel pregnant at 24 weeks now when he kicks but even now, I don’t actually think it’s sunk in that I’m pregnant
@doks I'm 26 weeks, and I don't feel pregnant outside of the random kicks.

Remember, everyone pregnancy is different don't worry yourself:)
@doks I also didn't feel pregnant till the baby started moving.
I'm the 1st trimester all I felt was extra tired, but that's all. Thought my husband would disagree by saying that my hormones and emotions were a total rollercoaster from the start 😁
Only towards the 3rd trimester I started to truly feel pregnant.

Not everyone has to have all the symptoms or be nauseous etc and it doesn't mean that something is wrong if you don't have all the symptoms.
@doks I’m 15 weeks 6 days now and it only feels real because I can feel baby now. I found out at 4w 4d and it didn’t feel real until I saw him wiggling on the ultrasound. I didn’t start getting symptoms until closer to 8 weeks and the. They are just on and off.
@doks I’m a teacher too and initially I just thought I was tired from the excitement in Kindergarten with the holidays. I didn’t find out until I was 8 weeks. The first few weeks after I found out I just felt super sleepy and unfortunately developed an aversion to coffee. Otherwise I didn’t feel pregnant. I’m 19 weeks now and my symptoms have been touch and go through the weeks - so I get it. I’m finally feeling like I’m getting a bump so that’s mentally helping.
Pregnancy feels like a lesson in patience and it drives me crazy. Hang in there!
@doks I’m 20 weeks and just started to feel pregnant because of the weight gain. Thinking about it I just feel heavy because of the weight gain.

I haven’t had any symptoms of pregnancy besides cramping very early on. I would say enjoy it while you can.

I’m a FTM so I’m like uhhhhh how do I know this is still going well lol my doctors said those are normal concern and to just relax.
@doks When I was 7 weeks I had some heartburn but that was it. Morning sickness picked up shortly after that for me and lasted until almost the second trimester. It’s very early! It’s far too early to start to have a bump or feel movement or any of the fun symptoms. For now I would say just enjoy not having morning sickness because if you get it, it’s really rough.
@doks I have not FELT pregnant until yesterday when I felt her move for the first time. I am 23 weeks in. I don't know about you but my belly was already a little round and flabby so as I've been getting slightly bigger it just looks like I'm getting fatter not necessarily rounder. So I didn't think that I looked like I was pregnant I just looked like I was fat. So I understand that feeling it's a weird feeling it's almost like you're disassociated. I think that you will one day just give a time and try not to worry too much
@doks I had very few noticeable pregnancy symptoms during my pregnancy. I had a tiiiny bit of nausea but never came close to vomiting. I didn’t have any strong food aversions/cravings, aside from being a bit grossed out by chicken/eggs after eating half a serving (but I could always eat some). No heartburn (though I was already on a PPI)

I did get really tired at times, but if I hadn’t known I was pregnant, I would have just attributed it to poor sleep. The most notable symptoms I had was pelvic girdle/ligament pain in my hips after walking that started second trimester, feeling the baby kick, and exhaustion.

After being pregnant, I was like I can totally see how people could make it through and not realize they were pregnant until very late in pregnancy, especially if they were overweight so they didn’t show for a while (like me) and had an anterior placenta that muted movement sensation.
@doks I had almost no symptoms for the first 13 weeks, with the exception of exhaustion. That was really my only symptom and then even that tapered off by 14w. I'm 17 weeks today and my only symptoms are sinus congestion and ligament pain (& meralgia parasthetica, but I had that pre- pregnancy).

I just had an appointment at 16w5d where everything was right on track.
Some of us just don't have as many symptoms.
@doks I had pretty minimal symptoms until 12 weeks then all of a sudden I was nauseous and vomiting. I was feeling the same way, like "I thought I would feel more pregnant" I'm 18 weeks now and I definitely feel it lol. You'll get there soon!