I did the math..


New member
(This is more of a rant/thinking out loud than anything)

When I'm bored I tend to overthink. Ive been feelin the baby fever lately so I decided to figure some things out.

We are pretty comfortable by ourselves at ~$32k a year right now. A baby would add about $12k a year, I think. If we wanted to upgrade from apartment to house, which is not a MUST HAVE for me right away, thats another +$1k a month. Adding a minimum wage full time job for myself would add $12k to the pit, but I hate the thought of finding/paying for childcare.

In October, BF is starting a program that after 10 months will earn him +~$10k a year. If he decides to go further in the program, that's 4-6 more years until a ~$120k yearly salary, which would mean I wouldn't even have to work for us to be more than comfortable and I would be able to stay home with any kiddies.

The only problem I can foresee is my unnerving anxiety about being an "old" parent. I wanted to have all my kids in my 20's because thats just how it is in my family. Im already older than most of the women in my family were when they had their first. On the other hand, I only really want to have one of my own and adopt any others. Considering they may be older than newborns (I dont really have an age preference between 0-5ish) I wouldnt really have to worry about my own age.

Dont get me wrong, I REALLY don't want to rush, I just want to be there for as much of my kids and grandkids lives as possible. I also want to avoid any complications as best as I can and I know having kids younger would reduce the risk. I get so anxious about being an older parent that I practically go into panic mode thinking about waiting years and years. I just gotta frikin breeeeaaathe. Yikes.
@youngtyphoon10 Man. My husband currently makes six figures and we still don’t feel financially ready to raise a baby yet.

If you feel financially ready, I’m not sure what else would be holding you back.
@youngtyphoon10 I would encourage your boyfriend to pursue more schooling especially if 4-6 years of work is equal to six figures. Will you be able to afford his schooling if you have a child? My husband has 2 more years to finish an advanced degree but will then be making six figures which will allow me to stay home with kids. We have talked about whether or not we should start trying to have kids year 3 which would put me at 29. My parents were stressed when I was little because of money and I don’t want an unhealthy amount of stress for my own child. I want them to be comfortable and learn about money in a happy environment.
Also, when you say a baby would cost you 12.000 Dollar a year do you mean childcare? Just having the baby should not cost that much (without childcare). I pay about 100 Dollar max a month for diapers, food, toys ect.