I am team crib til college. Change my mind


New member
Obviously tongue and cheek, but I see no reason to take my now three year old out of her crib until she a) tries to climb out or b) is ready to get up in the middle of the night to potty by herself. She seems perfectly happy. Am I stunting her growth?

ETA: Reddit DID change my mind…sorta. I didn’t even think about her being able to bend over and fall out, so I’m going to chat with her ped and get her advice. Thanks everyone!!
@neverbeenalone My toddler started climbing out at 19 months (super tall and almost landed on his head) and it honestly was a godsend because now he can play with his toys until I get around for the day. I'm not a morning person lol It was definitely a transition for several weeks though.
@brothermichael Both of my boys climbed out of their cribs before around this age. The oldest would monkey-feet his way out. The youngest would pull himself up to the side, then jump to his changing table.

Took the front off the crib and they were fine. Still climb tho.
@pman40 Did you replace the front of the crib with a toddler rail? Mine is out of stock but I feel like taking the front off makes so much sense, but I’d also worry it won’t be stable?
@reneprays I put the toddler rail from ikea on my sons crib when I took the side off; he was about 18 months old. I did that sucker up tight, I lifted his crib when I tested it.

The next morning my husband went in to get him and he was dragging it around the room 🥲
@reneprays I got a basic one from Amazon. Our crib is from Babies R Us and I was too worried I'd never find the one that should go with it. The one we got clips to the back of the frame of the crib, then tightens at the front. We tied those straps for extra balance.

Even when I change the sheet, it doesn't move. We got the one with best reviews in our price range. It's held through two kickers.
@jacobsonofjohn My 13mo climbed out of his and went splat at 1am on the floor 🙈 so obviously took him to get checked out as it’s a big fall but he was thankfully fine! Doctor told us now he’s done it he’ll likely do it again so was time for a bed! Honestly that bed has transformed his sleep! He loves bedtime now and he sleeps sooooo much better. Massive fan of a bed here and if we have a second 100% getting them into a bed asap if they’re a poor sleeper
@brothermichael My kids usually wake me up in the morning. When LO was in a crib I would wake up to 5 year old in my room and LO crying. Now with a floor bed I wake up to both kids in my room. Or I wake up to them playing with each other.
@brothermichael 19 months. Hah. My son started climbing out shortly after he learned how to walk (11 months). The first time he fell out his dad caught him. The second time we walked in and he was sitting on the floor. Crib was converted to a toddler bed that weekend.
@katrina2017 Haha same! Mine is 10th percentile. He’s 2.5 and still in the crib. He likes to kick the walls and slats but hasn’t attempted to jump out yet.
@akjv What?! My >99th percentile toddler was 35.5 inches at his 18 month checkup. He sleeps in a sleep sack though, so he wouldn't be able to swing a leg up to try and climb out. I guess I need to start thinking about transitioning sooner than I thought we would...