I am hating this 2-3 years phase - Is it just me?

@paloma22 I mean…”terrible twos” has been a thing since the dawn of time. If they aren’t being reckless and unreasonable at that age, something is wrong! The good news is it WILL pass. Like someone else mentioned, it’s also peak comedy age so there’s kind of a silver lining.
@paloma22 Solidarity. I have a 2.75 yr old daughter. She's a fucking handful, doesn't really nap, only sleeps 9 to 10 hours each day typically (this includes naps) She's too fucking smart, purposely pushing buttons, doing sneaky things, and she's shouting demands now LOL. Love her... But omg I am tired.

Im losing my mind over here most days. She starts preschool 3x a week in September. That'll give me some much needed me time (I'm a sahm that also does some freelancing about 4 hours a day, so maybe I'm a work from home mom? Lol)

I have very little me time right now, so it's tough.
@paloma22 Oh yeah, that was a hard time. The huge tantrums, the screaming so loud that my ears hurt. I was so glad when our kid went started school. Also our reason we are oad. The first four years were very hard and my husband also had a burn-out around that time.

You wrote that he is having speech therapy, maybe he is also so loud because he can’t express himself good enough yet? In his mind everything is clear as how he wants it, but he can’t make that clear to you?

We found that out with our daughter when she was nearly 7 and got tested for gifted. Found out that verbal was lower than the rest, so it could explain the difficult times when she was a toddler, because she couldn’t find the words yet to express herself good enough.

I wish you the best of luck, when possible go outside a lot so he can let his energy go. Very good for yourself as well, a whole difference if it’s in the living room or in the forest or park.

(Sorry if I can’t explain it too well, English is 2nd language)
@paloma22 I'm sure you're not the only one. I hated the baby phase - not being able to properly communicate and lack of sleep were awful. I have loved the toddler phase and my daughter is almost 4 but she's definitely an extremely easy child.

Don't worry momma, it's all a season and you don't have to love every phase. I'm positive I'll get at least one more super difficult phase in before 18.
@paloma22 It’s not just you. 2 year olds aren’t notorious for nothin!

But it is much easier over here. Despite daily tantrums, our 2.5 year old is very verbal, listens, is gentle, etc. He just is pretty calm and careful. He sits still during meals, story time, even on the plane. I love having a 2 year old, but in your position, it sounds like I’d being having a tough time too.

There are so many variations of normal and I think you just got the more “spirited” version who has trouble expressing himself. I recommend so many books for this age, but Hunt, Gather, Parent might make it easier on you. I am constantly thinking of it.

And setting boundaries, not doling out rewards/punishments, giving lots of love and affection, getting outside time, and just rolling with the tantrums. I imagine I’m a stone in a stream with the water cascading down me as I feel the frustration surge. Toddlers are not screaming and thrashing to annoy us. It is not about us. They are learning and their underdeveloped brains are doing the best they can!

And also remember you don’t have to love every stage. Your 2 year old will not always be this hard. Many people say 4 is when they started to really enjoy parenting.

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