I (23F), just found out an hour ago that my Ex (24M) has another kid

I am currently separated from my ex husband. It has been a year and a half since we parted ways and it wasn't amicable. We initially agreed to for joint legal custody, myself having full residential custody while he sees her for 6 weeks every July. She is only 2 years old and last July went smoothly. My daughter ended up just staying with his Mother and Father as he isn't really competent enough to take care of a 1 year old on his own.

Child support is currently in the works, and is really a pain in the ass. We live in different states so they require documentation that I couldn't immediately provide. Long story short, since February of 2019 he has provided $50 to the well being of my kid lol. So since last July I have been urging him and or his family to take responsibility. If they aren't paying child support and the case is still pending then lets change the custody agreement to where theres a 50-50 split between custody. That gave me silence and he nor his family made 0 effort to talk to my daughter until last month. Last month his mother begged my mother to facetime her and show her my daughter without my permission, whatever.

So fast forward to now and I am discussing with my Ex mother in Law the plan for July for my daughter. Obviously there is a pandemic happening, but courts made it clear that custody agreements are still in effect and honestly I could use the break. So his mom suggests to come down and pick her up from our state with 7 other people in a large van, and then going to another state to visit 5 other people and go to the zoo. I say hell no...theres a whole pandemic happening. She agrees to just pick her up on their way back and drive 9 hours. Fine.

So I happen to go on my ex mother on laws facebook and long story short my ex husband has a whole other kid who is maybe 3 months old. After snooping I noticed there was an ultrasound dating back to last July but he was dating a girl with 3 school age kids last July and this is a different girl. Who cares about the schematics. He has another kid and I am not sure how I am supposed to react or how this is supposed to make me feel. He said no to 50/50 custody or even having her for more than one month a year and he doesn't pay child support. Now his mom is discussing my daughter staying with him, his GF, and his new baby instead of her as i don't want her going back and forth between different homes, etc.

What are my options here? How should I feel about this? I have no desire to know the kid or the girlfriend and I am embarrassed for my own kid and myself if that makes sense.
@heartguy I had no idea that was a thing. The custody agreement was made in New York State but I am now a Florida resident and jurisdiction transfers here. I never got a liason but I guess ill call to ask about it now.
@clairedet We lived in New York. We separated and I moved to an apartment 15 minutes away. He then left the state and went to Missouri to live with a friend, then after a few months he went to Louisiana. So I went to Florida, my hometown because that was the closest I could be to get support from my family as well as find a job in my field that makes enough money to take care of my kid.