I’m tired


New member
Do you sometimes want to just stop being a parent, a spouse and a project manager for everything in your life? I want to quit everything and go away forever sometimes, leaving everyone behind. I don’t know why I’m typing it here but maybe because no one IRL would accept or understand this thought. Hoping some strangers do.
@eaglehaze Yea, every now and then I just want to be left alone and not get bothered by anyone, no need to worry about needing to do this and that. Especially now, they have just launched Diablo 4 today.
@sarjp I thought Diablo 4 was a nickname for your kids (like the Diablos are now 4) until realizing you were referring to the literal game. My sons used to be referred to as Godzilla and Ghidorah. Now we just call them Kaijuu.
@eaglehaze We ploughed through succession but it means 2 less hours of sleep 😭😭 sometimes I would just wish no one is tugging me or asking me for something too . And I can ignore my laundry a bit more than I currently am built in guess in 5 years I maybe able to do that . Hang in there
@sarjp Lol I’m giving my husband the night off of parenting so he can play 🤣 and when they FINALLY COME OUT WITH the new fable I’ll be getting my own night off 🤣
@eaglehaze Honestly I feel like if any parent, especially one of multiples, doesn’t have fantasies of pre kid life or thoughts of leaving it all behind….I don’t believe you. This shit is hard and of course we want a break now and then. Parenthood is constant. There are some days where I feel just so DONE and dead tired.

Something that helps me in those moments are thinking about how people do it who are waaaaay less competent than I am….so I can do it too.
@eaglehaze Yes. Sometimes when I go grocery shopping alone, I fantasize about just continuing to drive down the interstate all the way to California and disappearing from this life.

Then I remember my cute babies and my husband and feel bad that I even thought it. Doesn’t stop me from doing it though.
@lisa0617 3 months in, not maternity leave just laid off during pregnancy but this is also me. Twins is hard, this shit is also very isolating. I have literally no adult interaction anymore - just two of them screaming at me all day and NO ONE is sleeping EVER.

I cry all the time, but then they cry and need something and you jump back to it. Ugh. I feel you. It’s rough.
@ktb Best advice I have for that phase of twinhood is Loops earplugs. Dampens the sound of the screaming, so you're not on a razor's edge all day from it. This will pass, and you will get sleep again, I promise. It's just SUPER hard right now. Sending you internet hugs.
@pyopyo I wear my AirPods sometimes if I need a little “break” and I’ve been guilty of turning the monitor down when I’m pumping since I really can’t do much if they cry anyway and it just makes the pumping that much harder 😭

Internet hugs are so appreciated. This is truly harder than I ever imagined.