@faithfulglow The literal easiest thing to swap is cleaning products since you will use those up and need to buy more. When you need to buy more, remove fragrances and dyes. Dishwashing #1, clothing detergent #2, floor cleaning products #3.
High focus on replacing the worst offenders of endocrine disruptors like lavender and tea tree. If you can’t convince your husband to remove scents from everything then use ones that aren’t known to be highly disruptive. I recently realized I was using a lavender scented swiffer mop fluid. Combined with a crawling baby, not good!
Dr Browns glass bottles are awesome BUT if you can’t swap out all of your plastic what you can do is not run it through the dishwasher or a sterilizer. The high extended heat releases more microplastics and any phthalates. Hand wash if you can’t swap out the plastic.
I switched the kids plates and bowls to glass, stainless steel, and where needed silicone which is a lot better than plastic even though not the “best”. You can buy pretty cheap stainless steel serving ware for kids.
Don’t microwave food in plastic, if you buy it in plastic (like bagged frozen veggies or whatever) dump it on a non plastic plate, cover it with a bowl to heat.
I recommend also not cooking things on aluminum pans or wrapped in aluminum foil which are linked to things like Alzheimer’s.
Don’t wrap leftovers in Saran Wrap or ziplock bags. Ideally swap out plastic storage containers especially if the food is still hot when you’re putting it away.
Swap cookware to cast iron or stainless steel. This one is harder since it’s expensive BUT anything that is being eaten or drank should be a focus since that is all being absorbed internally.
At least a tap filter for your water to remove the water treatments for it if you are on public water.