I’m so tired of hearing what other people did/ are doing with their babies


New member
“X family already took their baby for a boat ride at 3 weeks old.”

(When I say my 4 month old still is too little and I’m uncomfortable)

“X baby started eating solids at 4 months and slept through the night.”
(When I say we are still just on breastmilk)

“X family went away for a fun weekend and left their newborn with the grandparents.”

(I won’t let anyone babysit overnight.)

“X family already took their baby on a long road trip.”

(When I say I don’t want to travel with a 7 month old this year for Christmas.)

If those people jump off a bridge does that mean me and my baby should do it too?

ETA: These things are said in the context of trying to convince me that I should also do said things even if I don’t feel comfortable.
@charity78777 I would counter with made-up stories of X grandparents, etc.


Grandma says x baby ate cereal, "Oh my friend's mom watches their baby 6 days a week for free and is going to pay for their college, isn't that nice?"

Aunt says x baby sleeps well "oh my mom group friend's aunt bought their baby a Snoo."

@charity78777 “How lovely for X baby…but I know my baby and what I’m doing thanks. Comparisons like these aren’t really helpful, so please don’t keep bringing it up. I’m not interested in you trying to make me feel uncomfortable or that I’m making the wrong choices, because I’m not”

I GET YOU! It’s infuriating. The problem here isn’t the choice another parent makes for their child that’s different to your own - its whoever is saying this is trying to push you into what THEY want.
@lostdad EXACTLY. I don’t care what other people do. Good for them! I do some things with my baby that other parents may not feel comfortable with. And that’s okay! Because they don’t have to do it with their baby. And we can all just do what we think is best with our own babies. How would that be? 😀
@charity78777 My favorite response lately is every parent knows and does what’s best for their child, I’m doing what’s best for mine. If they press further - kids are different, everything doesn’t work for every kid. Most people have agreed.
@katrina2017 Also, not everything is always about the kid’s ability either. I brought my baby at 3 months to Disney World, because I wanted to go. I would NEVER recommend someone else do that, but 10/10 would do again myself.

My baby may be capable of going on a road trip, but I have no desire to deal with a road trip alone let alone with a baby and husband and definitely prefer to fly. Other people might feel the opposite or rather just stay at home and that’s ok too!