I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

@dmurrayfly We got really lucky in the night portion, he's basically slept through the night since about six months. I have so much admiration for the parents who have to deal with the little to no sleep. His sticking point has always been naps. I suppose you win some you lose some.
@zazzi I read that as "normal time kids," which my daughter definitely is not! 😅 She prefers to sleep about 9.5 hours at night, has done since she was about a year old. When am I having all this adult dinner time??? Even date night feels like an exhausting chore because if we stay out past bedtime it just means less sleep for me.
@dmurrayfly I just wanna say it sucks when they are little. There is a hump and you will get over it. I think back to those dreaded nights and early mornings and wished for another existence. It’s ok to just survive those years, F the journal.
@snigam Thank you 😭 I literally take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour because it really is just survival at this point and holding onto the hope that one day I’ll recover a little part of myself.
@dmurrayfly There is light at the end of this tunnel! Since about age 5, I have had to be the one to wake the kid up everyday! On the weekends, she often sleeps until 9 or 9:30! It is now easy to get up before her, if I really want to (I don’t).