I’m sick and tired of being told “JuSt GEt up BeForE tHe KiDs”

@dmurrayfly Yea my kids get up ~4/5. If I’m up that early I’m not getting a damn thing done. Then I’m dragging all day and want to go to sleep early. But then they wake me up like 17 times a night.
@dmurrayfly Jeeze, my kids are actually decent sleepers (the baby does nurse once per night, but it's not so bad) and I still don't get up before them. If I do, I just scroll on my phone in bed lol. I don't like losing sleep.
@dmurrayfly Hell, my baby is a good sleeper and I still don’t want to sacrifice my sleep to get up before him to work out or clean or hobby. As much as I’d like to do some of those things I’d rather have as much sleep as possible.
@dmurrayfly I hate this advice with a passion. I am blessed with good sleepers who are fairly consistent with a wake up time - I STILL don't want to wake up before them in order to be able to do anything for myself! Why should I have to sacrifice sleep for that? I should be able to exercise/meditate/have coffee when I want to 😭
@dmurrayfly Yeah, I’m right there with you. My son has refused to fully sleep in his crib since November when he first got sick. We were getting back to having him in the crib for 3/4s of the night and this week he was sick again. Wouldn’t stay asleep unless he was on me or right beside me. With a fever. And he’s nearly 2. So I couldn’t sleep because I was uncomfortable or I’d be in an unsafe position.

I feel like I could sleep for a week straight and that’s just on a regular week.