I’m raising degenerates


New member
Taken my 3 kids to the QLD coast for Easter, staying in a 4th floor unit.

My 12yo and 7yo boys are wet after going swimming and waiting out on the balcony for their sister to get out of the shower.

I went to get changed, walk out of the bedroom and my 12yo informs me that his brother just peed off the balcony.

Not sure who I’m more disappointed in, my 12yo for telling him to do it, or my 7yo for actually doing it. We are right on a busy street in a popular part of town with a balcony that faces the street, so unsure of how many people witnessed it.

Needless to say my embarrassment is immeasurable and my holiday is ruined.
Needless to say my embarrassment is immeasurable and my holiday is ruined.

I'd hold off on the embarrassment and thinking your holiday is ruined until someone actually says something to you about it.

Until then, just be glad they didn't shit off a higher balcony
but I guess boys will be boys

Doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't be held accountable.

If anything, they should learn where the line is between playful craziness, and unacceptable behaviour. It's best to teach them now, so they'll grow into decent human beings with morals and also internal limits regarding acting respectably.
@ademide I think we should re-purpose boys will be boys. There’s plenty of positive boys will be boys moments. Digging the biggest hole ever at the beach, freaking out after one of the guys hits a bottle flip or trick shot in basketball, building the tallest Lego tower the world has ever seen, etc.
@hayleyvdr I don't really see what any of that has to do with gender though. Those are just cool things any kid could do that would be cool no matter who was doing it.
@bryanj True, but typically it would be boys. Its not that girls can't as well, but it is more common with boys for sure. Idk how to explain it, but there are some things that boys seem to find satisfaction in for no real reason. Other examples could be skipping stones, throwing breakable stuff in the garbage bin at the dump and getting a good wreckage, breaking a sheet of ice outside, etc.
@hayleyvdr I think the only people that are bothered by it is the sexists who seem to think that it is excusing boys behavior when it's clearly a cheeky hint at how wild and goofy boys can be before they've matured. The people who think it's about boys getting away with anything and everything, wildly are mostly misandrist, and wouldnt want boys to even have a fun time digging a hole at the beach because it would be too 'invasive' and 'annoying' to everybody around.

Multiple times I've been corrected about how Boys Will be Boys is wrong, and they always catch the "Wow, that's cool, remember when I asked your opinion? Oh, that's right, I fucking didn't."
@tenangsaja I had a feeling that sarcasm was intended - that's why I figured I could get away with the shitting comment LOL

I'm going to show my ignorance, and ask - is QLD = Queensland?