I’m new to cosleeping

@kens Keeping your baby from rolling shouldn't be the goal. It should be creating a safe sleep surface for them to roll on. Those sleep positioners are not safe and pose a suffocation risk. Best option is to put the mattress on the floor.
@kens I have the bassinet on the side of the bed even at 11 months of age, which is useless for actually sleeping in, but a useful barrier to make sure she doesn't roll off the bed. And my husband is on the other side so that works as a natural barrier.
@kens Look up safe sleep 7 and follow that! Echoing putting the mattress on the floor and make sure it is firm enough for baby to not sink into it which can be a suffocation and overheating risk. That particular product you posted looks super unsafe to me, stay away from positioners in general for sure!
@kens If moving the mattress onto the floor isn't an option you could look into adding a side rail or even a sidecar crib (this method is helpful to get it to the right height and securely attach it to your bedframe) to keep your baby safe on the bed. Rolling is developmentally important and not something we want to prevent, but it is important to make sure baby can roll around safely.