I’m insane

@relaxbuddy Ha, yes - while pregnant, I couldn’t believe that someone would go through pregnancy twice. Childbirth was so traumatic that I think I have PTSD. Post-partum was somehow the worst of it as i completely ripped up my pelvic floor during birth. Yet, I would go through pregnancy and childbirth again, just so I could go through it again with the benefit of experience this time. I don’t want another child, just another crack at pregnancy and birth.
@relaxbuddy My baby is a delight now at five months after being the angriest colic baby for like 11 weeks but you couldn't pay me enough to do the newborn phase again. I KNOW theres even tougher babies then mine was and I'd definitely be suicidal if I had a toddler and that as well. Not to mention the PPA/PPD I'm working through. I definitely hope everyone in the newborn trenches get to where I'm at though as far the happy laughing baby stage cause I thought it'd never come.