the changes between 6-9 months range has been insane!!!

@zetticci I sobbed when we took her bassinet away from my bedside and moved her to her crib in her room. I miss looking over at night and seeing her sweet head. And just like that, that sweet period is gone, never to return. Uuugggh
@zetticci I think the biggest change has been from 18 months to 2 years. My oldest just turned 2 years and it’s literally insane the difference. I see pictures from 6 months ago and it feels like 6 years ago. The language explosion, the fact that he learns a new word the second I say it instead of having to repeat it 5 million times, not having to worry as much when he’s being crazy and climbing on stuff because I trust his stability. It’s insanity.

Just wait…being a mom gets so much more fun. 😭❤️
@zetticci My baby is now a toddler of 2.5yo and I still feel that way.

Between 2yo to 2yr 2-4months ish I'm like OMG she's changing so fast, from from not talking to saying full sentences!!

Just the past couple weeks (she's about 2yrs 8months now) she went from refusing to sit on the toilet to asking to go pee/poo!!

Every change is so big and I'm just like OMG my baby! She's not a baby anymore 🥺
@zetticci I see little babies outside random and I think wow I've forgotten how tiny babies are. My toddler looks small to me but when I see her next to other smaller kids she's actually huge by comparison XD

Sometimes I miss the tiny baby stage but I don't miss the lack of sleep. Definitely enjoying my sleep now that she's sleeping 10hrs solid overnight without issue.
@zetticci Right there with you. My daughter is turning 1 on Sunday and I just want to stuff her back inside me and start from the beginning again 😭

Everyone keeps telling me about the stuff to look forward too and idk if it's just because I'm a nostalgic/emotional type of person but I just miss her being so little. I do enjoy each stage so much and am so proud of her. I think we just don't want to get too far away from being their entire world because they're our entire world.
@zetticci My baby is 1 in less than a week😭😭 where the tiny little boy I was just snuggling with while I was recovering from birth? I just held a 1 month old who ended up weighing the same thing my son weighed when he was born and I wanted to cry so hard
It goes by so fast and although I love every second I just want time to freeze

I truly am excited to see who he’ll be when he grows up even the attitude I know will come 😂
@zetticci Totally agree! Mine will be 1 in August too ;)
8 months old was such a threshold, he started really moving around, crawling, sitting on his own... Now he wants to stand up 😱 it is going so fast! It's funny because I had trouble imagining him doing that but now here we go!
@zetticci I feel this. I could have written this! My LO is going to be 10 months and I’ve been weirdly sad these past few months. I’m so excited to see who she becomes but wow I miss my sweet, docile little baby. It’s tough.
@zetticci I was fortunate to nanny a 2 year old and a newborn while I was pregnant, so I knew to appreciate the stillness of newborn life 😆 Now she’s one and walking, climbing, and crawling constantly!
@zetticci I saw my son's five month pics and felt so sad. He's nearly one now and I feel he's grown up so much and so fast, I am going to miss his baby phase so much.
@zetticci It goes by SO fast! My son is 1 in August too and it’s crazy how he’s his own little person already. I miss my tiny baby but I love my adventurous little (almost) toddler
@zetticci I think this is why we end up having more than one. Lol. I totally understand though. I miss when my baby would take an hour to drink a bottle and I'd watch a whole show. Now she is super quick and then wants to play.