the changes between 6-9 months range has been insane!!!

@goldielocks my baby had pretty bad reflux for the 3 months and nighttime was torture, so i completely get you. it was a very hard transition from no kids to 1 kid. this age now i'm finding my groove, i actually really enjoy being a parent now.
@zetticci I miss the newborn phase, im aching to get away from the awkward 4-6 month angry potato who wants to sprouts arms and legs but can't phase
@perrin Yes. On my second and I forgot about the 4-6 month stage where they still can’t really do anything, and are angry about it. My kid went through like a month where we couldn’t really put her down at all! Is slowly getting out of that now at 6 months and I really can’t wait until she can crawl and entertain herself a bit more! She’s so close! We also have hardwood floors and she is a maniac with rolling so I can’t really set her down much, either bc she will bonk her head bc she is reckless. even with mats and everything she finds her way to the edge. Can’t wait until she is crawling and a bit more sturdy!
@perrin Lol that's the best way to describe it! My daughter just turned 6 months and can sit on her own and has just started trying to figure out how to move in waya other than rolling and I find she is getting so easily frustrated! A month ago if a toy was just out of reach she wouldn't care. But now that it's juuuust a bit too far for her to get??? Oh she gets mad!
@perrin Ho I m so happy to hear that it s not my baby personality to grunt all day, what you say confirm what I taught that he is just so frustrated because he s unable to get anywhere!
@zetticci I feel exactly the same way!!! My daughter is going to be 8 months next week and I swear every day she’s surprising me with the new things she is doing. I admittedly really struggled during the newborn stage and did not enjoy it, I feel the same way that I wish I had soaked in those moments (maybe I’m looking back with rose colored glasses). I am so so excited for this new phase though. It’s like every day that she progresses I feel more of a connection with her and I’m overflowing with love for her… but I agree I just started feeling like I’d like time to slow down a little bit ♥️♥️ this was a rambly mess sorry haha
@freyrtheslayerwolfe you hit the nail on the head, the more she progresses the deeper connection i feel. like i understand her a little more every day. what she likes, what bothers her. i mean i guess i always knew these things, but she confirms them more in little ways. i could talk about her for forever, so i get the rambling 😂❤️
@zetticci So true! My son turns one next week (!) and while things have gotten more and more fun every day I do find myself getting nostalgic for when he was younger. Sometimes that feels like it was a different baby altogether! But then I catch him making little circles with his left foot while he eats, or raising an eyebrow, and I recognize those little winks of his personality I saw way back when.
@zetticci I think this is what people mean when they say you’ll miss it.

But anyways, I think it personally (while emotional and I’ve cried a lot over how fast they grow) the best is yet to come. My oldest is big enough to go to museums and aquariums and actually do things. So cool! It goes fast but every stage has something to cherish and something to drive you up a wall 😂 take it all in.
@zetticci Just wait until she’s a toddler and running around and talking! It’s so bittersweet to look back at my tiny babies and know those years are behind us. But there’s so much good to come 🥰

Trust me the cuddles keep coming. They get to be your baby for a lot longer (though my 5.5yo is deeply offended when I call her my baby 😂)
@jasmin0791 And the cuddles get better! I loved all the sweet contact naps in the newborn stage, but it just hits different when they purposely crawl into your lap and bury their head into your neck.
@zetticci Hello, it’s you from the trenches with a 7 week old infant, with insane sleep deprivation and a colicky baby.

No, no you don’t miss it :p. Your brain is tricking you. It’s trying to get you to make more squishies in the future. As someone with an 18 month old in addition to a newborn, trust me. I know. My brain is currently laughing at me.

But nah, I totally get it. I do love the lack of movement on the change table and the easy feeding. I love newborns. The little newborn noises, the sweet smiles, the firsts, etc. Your post has reminded me to enjoy and treasure the moments. Also, don’t forget to also enjoy your beautiful squishy 9 month old, because before you know it, they’ll be a big toddler, running round like mad and emptying all your cupboards.
@zetticci Treasure those moments, even the chaotic ones. But hey, each stage brings new adventures, right? Your little one sounds adorable, especially the poopy diaper alert system!
@zetticci Same!! Mine is 8.5m also and I saw a video of her from 6 weeks ago and she was a toothless potato who had just realized she could push up on her arms. Now she has 6 teeth and is crawling into everything, climbing, and standing. It’s unreal!
@zetticci August baby over here too - where the hell did the last 3 months go?? Who is this toddler slowly replacing my baby??

While I don't really miss the newborn days, I so feel you on this. Too busy moving around these days, not much cuddling. No mother you may not hold me, I must EXPLORE.

They turn into little people so fast. 🥹