I’m broken beyond repair

@trojie I read this, the news article, and the go fund me page several times. This is just heartbreaking. Nothing about it is fair. You have so many fears as a parent, of all the things that could go wrong with your children that you won’t be able to help or fix, and losing them is of course top of the list.

I hope you are able to get some therapy, when you’re ready. I’ve had PTSD myself and spent a couple years reliving the incident daily. It’s not something I’d wish on my worst enemy. Lean on your family & hug your other children extra tight.

*I donated a small amount to your funeral services, and I genuinely wish I could give more. Love to you ❤️
@trojie I am just so terribly sorry. What an awful loss to your family, and I am so sorry for how horrible this is for you. I wish there was a way for all of our collected love to take away some of your pain. Please know that everyone here is praying for peace for you and sending you all our love and support.
@trojie …..

I typed. Deleted. Retyped. There’s nothing anyone can say to make this pain better.

I will say fuck those people that do this. When they find them, and they will, Justice will prevail. Unless Street Justice happens first…
@trojie I cried my eyes out reading this. It’s so shocking and so heartbreaking as a mother to just Imagine this pain. This is it, this is the worst pain there is out there…losing a child. Please try to connect with other mothers of lost babies. From my work as a social worker, in the grief & loss I touched, this was obviously the hardest type. There’s comfort in connecting with others who share this unimaginable loss.
We will always remember your son and create space for you and him here. He sounds absolutely wonderful and you can always share your memories and his details with us. Life lived fully is very short overall, and you will “see” him again and eventually. But until then, I suggest creating a space for him somewhere so you can communicate and express your love to him and connect.