Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

@kate2018 Just so long as she doesn’t fracture it while it’s in the cast. My partner was a nanny for 2 boys. One broke his arm. Well they went to the park all together while he had the cast. My partner say him trying to go down the slide… face first on his belly. Specifically said, “Don’t do that, your arm is still broke and you’ll get hurt”

Dude apparently had the biggest shit eating grin and… yep broke his arm again. Parents weren’t mad at my partner, but they felt guilty, like there’s something they should’ve done, but they also couldn’t just drop the younger brother to run and save this kid from his own stupidity.

When I young I was a big fan of fucking up my leg by jumping off a hill doing a 360 spin, and twisting the ever loving fuck out of it. Did it again 2 years later on an even bigger hill next to the first one. Same leg got fucked up. At the age of 23 I stupidly ran from a cop while on my motorcycle. Cop found me 10 minutes later with a broken ankle and called my dad from the hospital. So don’t worry, even in 20 years you can worry lol.
@kate2018 My daughter broke her arm, same kind of fracture, on the last day of school at the start of this previous summer because she was running in Crocs. We were lucky that she didn't need anything set and just a brace. She was more upset she didn't get to say bye to friends and teachers. Kiddo will remember you being calm for her.
@kate2018 Dude I unfortunately know the feeling. Daughter broker her leg when she was 1.5 both bones snapped... When she was 5 she did the same to her arm... The scream will stay with you for a long time. If it's any consolation my daughter is so ng great with no long term effects:)
@kate2018 I'm so sorry. I don't know if it helps, but time flies--- and this will be a story you all tell years from now. She'll be ok, and you're a great dad. There's no agony like being in the hospital, worried about a hurt kid. This too shall pass.
@kate2018 I went down a slide with my then two-year-old son between my legs/on my lap. Don't do this. Spiral fractured his leg. Thankfully, we were at the hospital playground waiting for momma and had a 2 minute walk to the ER.

Due to Spiral fractures being very common in child abuse cases, had to chat with CPS and everything. Good times.

Again. Don't go down slides with your kids between your legs/on your lap.
@kate2018 Look at it from her perspective: "dear diary, today sucked, I broke my arm, glad dad was there and took care of me".

On that score, you showed up today and did the thing. 10/10. With a gold star.
@kate2018 My girl broke her arm at 2. We just thought it was hurt from a normal bump cuz she was still playing and pushing herself up using that arm and everything. They are way tougher than us. She’ll be fine.
@kate2018 Hang in there, bud. One of my twin daughters broke her femur 2 years ago just as lockdowns were really coming into high gear.

She'll hardly remember the break in a few years, but she will remember that Daddy is there for her when she needs it forever.
@kate2018 I slipped on wet grass at school in 4th grade and broke both bones. Had a big ole bump where the bones were overlapping, but it didn't really hurt unless I tried to turn my arm. The playground monitor didn't believe I broke my arm when I asked to go see the nurse, at least until I showed him the bump. The nurse said "are you sure you're not deformed?" before she called my mom. My mom was the music teacher at a different school, and had students at that moment, so there was a delay while they got the principle down to sub in and then for her to drive over and take me to the hospital. We're a military family, and since I wasn't in much pain, we drove the 30 minutes to the base so that insurance would fully cover it. When they gave me the anesthesia I remember it being really cold, but also I remember things feeling normal, and the doc asked me a couple questions that I responded to. It was over pretty quick. Apparently though, it was like I was in slow motion, turning my head super slow and not really saying words. My dad met us at the hospital while they were putting the cast on.

Anyways, in retrospect probably not the best day, but at the time it wasn't a big deal. I got out of school early, and my dad got me McDonald's on the way home, so I was pretty much in heaven. Your kid had you the whole time, and I bet that's the part she'll remember the most.
@kate2018 There are some anesthetics that don’t put you to sleep they just disconnect the “put this moment into memory” wiring so you’ve only got 5 minutes of memory at a time. I had some and as I was in recovery I told my wife the same story like 10 times until it wore off. The last time I told her she just totally ignored me and I was like hello? Wtf? So that was different and she knew I was out of it.
@kate2018 Went through 3 fractures in a 6 month period with my toddler.

Standfast, Dad. They are incredibly resilient, and she will be using her cast as a new tool in several days.

I know this is Monday Morning Quarterback advice, but a PSA if you ever have to get a cast in the future. Ask for a WATER PROOF CAST. I have had 7 broken bones, and had never heard about it until my Daughter's 3rd fracture when the PA at the Ortho office offered it. They are an absolute game changer.

It simplifies bath time, and makes it much easier (and less stinky) with your inevitably messy toddler.

Because you likely have a traditional cast, Highly recommend grocery bags or gallon ziploc bags and lots of rubber bands. We bagged her arm up for meals and bath time, but otherwise tried to let her live her life as much as possible. She had two casts for 3 weeks each (which goes by quick once you settle into the new routine) and one fracture requiring 5 weeks in the cast. Every time, those things got super dirty and stinky, but it is what it is.
@kate2018 Awesome!
Highly recommend it. Just "hose it out" once a day, and it is much better and easier to keep them clean and happy.

Might be worthwhile, call the ortho ahead and ask if they do the aquacast liner.

Also from our experience, the fiberglass exterior can rub. Cut the toe out of a sock and cover the cast to help from hot spots on their skin where it can rub. Bonus points for picking cheap decorative socks for holidays or favorite characters to make your toddler happy.
@kate2018 You are Super Dad and you handled it perfectly. Your kids are lucky to have you around. I work in an ER and let me tell you, most parents in the ER are completely insane, which is usually understandable (sometimes they're really just assholes). Calm and collected is better for you and your kid (and the staff - we love people like you).

Please please please believe me when I tell you she wont remember the pain from having her bones set. I have to be in the room when it's done and it breaks my heart every time we do it (I am respiratory - I'm only there in case they get too sedated and need to be bagged until they wake up). Kids and old people - omg it kills me. But no one ever has the slightest recollection once the drugs wear off. I feel that our reward for doing these procedures is when we can do procedures with Ketamine. I LOVE when we give people Ketamine. They are so funny and seem to be completely enjoying themselves. It's like a happy little break for the staff and we always laugh through the whole procedure.
@kate2018 Oh no! Poor wee thing! Bit of a tip though, my niece broke her arm a short while ago and at the start one for her biggest problems she had was getting changed, maybe it's time to cut the side out of an old pair of pajamas so you can just tie them on without your daughter having to feed her arm through? Only if she's having trouble with that of course
@kate2018 My daughter broke her hand/wrist at daycare when she was 2. She is five now and here is what she remembers:
  1. She broke it at daycare when her friend pushed her.
  2. She got to wear a pink cast.
  3. Her daddy is the one that took care of her.
What she doesn’t remember is the name of the friend that pushed her, or that she didn’t even know it was hurt or say anything to anyone until the next morning when it swelled up. She doesn’t remember that I took her to every doctors appointment because her mom was super pregnant and couldn’t go near an x-Ray machine. She doesn’t remember daddy scrambling to talk to her aunt B because she was marrying Uncle C in a week and I desperately wanted to make sure it was ok that the flower girl didn’t show up with a neon pink cast that completely clashed with everything.

Your daughter will remember the important stuff, and probably a lot more than mine did sue to the age. But most importantly she’ll remember who took care of her when she needed it, and not to fall off the equipment at the playground.