Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

@kate2018 Just so long as she doesn’t fracture it while it’s in the cast. My partner was a nanny for 2 boys. One broke his arm. Well they went to the park all together while he had the cast. My partner say him trying to go down the slide… face first on his belly. Specifically said, “Don’t do that, your arm is still broke and you’ll get hurt”

Dude apparently had the biggest shit eating grin and… yep broke his arm again. Parents weren’t mad at my partner, but they felt guilty, like there’s something they should’ve done, but they also couldn’t just drop the younger brother to run and save this kid from his own stupidity.

When I young I was a big fan of fucking up my leg by jumping off a hill doing a 360 spin, and twisting the ever loving fuck out of it. Did it again 2 years later on an even bigger hill next to the first one. Same leg got fucked up. At the age of 23 I stupidly ran from a cop while on my motorcycle. Cop found me 10 minutes later with a broken ankle and called my dad from the hospital. So don’t worry, even in 20 years you can worry lol.
@kate2018 My daughter broke her arm, same kind of fracture, on the last day of school at the start of this previous summer because she was running in Crocs. We were lucky that she didn't need anything set and just a brace. She was more upset she didn't get to say bye to friends and teachers. Kiddo will remember you being calm for her.
@kate2018 Dude I unfortunately know the feeling. Daughter broker her leg when she was 1.5 both bones snapped... When she was 5 she did the same to her arm... The scream will stay with you for a long time. If it's any consolation my daughter is so ng great with no long term effects:)
@kate2018 I'm so sorry. I don't know if it helps, but time flies--- and this will be a story you all tell years from now. She'll be ok, and you're a great dad. There's no agony like being in the hospital, worried about a hurt kid. This too shall pass.
@kate2018 I went down a slide with my then two-year-old son between my legs/on my lap. Don't do this. Spiral fractured his leg. Thankfully, we were at the hospital playground waiting for momma and had a 2 minute walk to the ER.

Due to Spiral fractures being very common in child abuse cases, had to chat with CPS and everything. Good times.

Again. Don't go down slides with your kids between your legs/on your lap.

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