I’m broken beyond repair

@trojie I’m so sorry. My heart is broken for you. Your son sounds like an amazing person and this world is so cruel and unfair at times. Sending so much love and wishing there was anything that could be done to ease your pain even a little.

When someone so special is lost, they live on forever in the hearts and memories of those who love them and continue to be a force of good in the world as they influence people to try and make the world a better place in their memory. I will think of your son often and aspire to be as kind and generous as he was. Wishing I could reach out and hug you from across the ocean.
@trojie I’m so sorry you lost your baby.. my heart truly aches for you. We are all here for you and I know this will be in our thoughts for many days, months and years to come. What an awful tragedy. I hope you have all the support possible for this difficult time. Big hugs 🤍
@trojie This post took my breath away. I am so sorry this has happened to your boy and to you. He looks and sounds like an amazing person and he was a credit to you. I will be thinking of you and holding you both in my heart. Big hugs, mama x
@trojie I know the pain of losing my mom and then my dad, I've experienced loss, but I cannot fathom the pain of loosing a child, especially in such a senseless and tragic way. I keep trying to think of what to say but you know there's nothing I could ever say that would make any of this any better, but please know you have my deepest condolences, my prayers, my thoughts of support, good vibes, and/or virtual hugs. I'm deeply sorry this happened.
@trojie My deepest condolences. I am sitting here crying thinking about your beautiful boy. Why the fuck does life have to be this cruel? I don't get it. I am so so sorry fellow bromo, there is no greater pain than losing a child. I hope you find someway to slowly heal.
@trojie I can’t even begin to understand your pain but I pray for justice for your boy. I pray for your strength and peace. Most of all I commend you on having the strength to be able to talk about what happened and honor your son’s memory. There’s so much evil in this world, be proud that you raised a good man. A man who will always be your baby. He will forever be with you! May he rest in eternal peace until the day you may be reunited 🙏🏻

My sincerest condolences and deepest sympathies for you and your family during these dark dark times.
@trojie I am so sorry for your loss. I’m crying behind my screen for you and your baby boy. I wish there were any words on earth to make you feel better. He sees you mama, he’s with you, he doesn’t want you to hurt. Although, nothing can touch the grief, I found small comfort when I lost a loved one - when someone told me that he’s not in pain. He’s not in physical pain, not in emotional pain. The pain lives in the ones he left behind, he’s free. I’m lighting a candle for your boy and you are in my thoughts.

Edit: beautiful beautiful beautiful photos ❤️

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