I’m broken beyond repair

@trojie I'm so sorry for your loss. I have no words. This is the worst thing that could happen to a parent. Your beautiful son deserved to live a long life.
@trojie Hot damn BroMo, my heart breaks for you. I’m so very sorry for your loss. Your son is an angel that may be done from this world but he lives in and is not forgotten.

Please, you are one of us, never doubt that. Keep reaching out when you need, holy hell I cannot fathom your loss.
@trojie I’m crying for your loss. I’m so, so sorry… Your son sounds like a beautiful soul. I hope you have the supports you need right now.
@trojie I am so, utterly beyond sorry. I saw your album and it looks like you gave your son such a wonderful upbringing. I may not have the words to heal your pain, but just know I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts ❤️
@trojie Oh I am so sorry. I think I may live somewhat near you since I immediately recognized your story and had read it earlier today on social media - I cannot imagine the devastation and grief. I am so sorry for your loss and I wish any of us could fix it.
@trojie Bromo, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Alex. I will light a candle for him tonight. Please share anything you would like with us about your baby boy. And I'm not one to recommend other subs, but have found community in holding the unbearable on the /Griefsupport sub.
@trojie I'm so sorry. I hope your memories give you some comfort. I wish I had a post that could make grief more bearable, but the sub is here for your always.