I’m broken beyond repair

@trojie I’m so sorry love. There are no words I can say to heal your heart, but you and your baby are in my thoughts. I wish you some peace and solace and I wish him a better place than this world.
@trojie I’m so very very sorry for your loss. There are no words that can ease the death of one’s child and I will keep you and your son in my heart. He sounds like he was a wonderful young man.
@trojie I'm so sorry. Your son sounds like he was an amazing soul, and I can feel your love for him. He'll always be your baby and his life and love will always be a blessing for you.
@trojie I'm so, so sorry for your loss. I saw the story on the news this evening and immediately realized you were describing your baby.

I hope they find the murderers and put them forth to justice.
@trojie I don’t even know what to say. “I’m sorry” feels insufficient. But I am so so very sorry. Sending you a hug if you want it. ❤️
@trojie I am so sorry. My heart breaks for you completely. 💔 I have 2 young boys & I hope they grow up to be half as good as your son. I know no words can help right now. I hope that asshole gets the maximum sentence the state allows. Its hard to hear but please take care of yourself & give yourself some grace. Reach out to whomever you need too ❤️
@trojie I cannot believe the hell you are in. Of course he was your beautiful baby. He was your life. I’m crying writing this. So many people here are mourning for you. This is a tragedy. I can’t believe some pieces of shit would hurt your baby.

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