I’m at a loss with my 7 year old

@ericthesinner I've tried to figure out behavorial issues every way possible, at every age. Read countless studies and experts. Asked other parents. Talked to anyone possible. The only consistent thing that has always helped is just ignoring the bad behavior (granted no ones getting hurt or anything) and staying super calm/stoic and nice throughout. The kid's throwing a tantrum, screaming and throwing things, just being awful and irritating... I just sit quietly or continue doing what Im doing acting as if theyre not even there. Its the hardest thing because I just want to scream and grab them and throw them in timeout. But I ignore it. Once they calm down, I continue as if it never happened and move on. If they dont, I tell them when they behave correctly we can talk again and then start all over again ignoring them.

Its hard and stessful, and my son could probably be the most stubborn person on earth, but Ive successfully rid them of a lot of bad behaviors.
@itoldmeso Her mom was at work and I was downstairs getting out of the shower. she was using it to be productive and learn something. I don’t see why I would punish her for that? Matter of fact if she uses this to get more involved in activities she’d earn more screen time.

I was a shit kid. 100%. It did not translate into adulthood
@ericthesinner Your child getting this worked up over ehat seems to be sensory issues may be an extension of anxiety/depression/spectrum of autism and ADHD. Only a medical professional can you tell you with relative certaincy. Just be there for your daughter as she only has you and mom to rely on. The fact that she is an angel else where but "acts up" around you would indicate she feels safe with y'all and sees you as a safe place.
we told her don’t let one bad day define you

This is too complicated for a 7 year old. She might nod and say she understands but she doesn’t.

The fact that this happens 10x more with your wife screams to me that she is successfully manipulating your wife. Does your wife give in when she has tantrums? You might say no but what happens when you’re not around?
@p4z I would say my daughter 100% understands that because when we explain don’t let one minute ruin your day she literally snaps out of it. I believe my wife gives in much faster. I disagree with her parenting a lot. She is combative with me too, my goal is the kids. I believe the therapist is going to explain its mostly us and I’m ok with that!