Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

@meesh1070 Incorrect, they use a blood test to test for HSV when there’s not an active infection. However most OBGYNs won’t include this blood test in your standard STD testing.
@strongerthanthefist But they are required for pregnant women because if they have it, they need to be prescribed an antiviral to reduce the chances of contamination to the baby during birth. I know this because that's how I found out I had herpes. I had done STD screenings a few times in my life and it took me to get pregnant to be taught that STD panels do not include herpes. I don't understand why this info is not everywhere.
@strongerthanthefist Where are you? I'm in Canada. I thought it was a basic mandatory thing because of the risk for the baby. It's just an obvious thing to do. But I wouldn't be surprised if in the US it's not part of the general exam, considering how little the government care about their babies' health.
@hakoa I have HSV 1, it sucks, but you cannot tell the difference between HSV 1 or 2. My son had blisters on his bum after having a high fever on Thanksgiving. I even commented that it was such a strange diaper rash and we made an appointment the next day. He had gotten HFM and it started on his bum and then sores developed on his face and then hands and feet. He has had fungal infections on his bum before. He poops a lot and one thing that helps a ton is to just let him cruise around without a diaper and let his tushy dry out. Wait for the results to come back. I really hope it isn't HSV, and I hope no one did anything to your little sweetie.
@opir Yeah my daughter has HFM at the moment and it started with blisters in the diaper area that look a lot like early herpes outbreak blisters. It could be so many things and unless one of the primary caretakers has HSV and maybe touched their mouth during a breakout before a diaper change , it seems one of the least likely scenarios here.
@hariel Oh yeah, they get all crusty and weepy. Impetigo also presents very similar to HSV. I would think HFM or Impetigo before herpes.
@opir Yeah, my daughter had impetigo on her finger and I freaked because I'd recently had a cold sore (I'm HSV1 positive too) because it looked so much like herpes blisters
@hakoa I just have to say if I was OP I would feel better immediately after reading the comments. I've learned so much from one comment section. I hope your daughter will be ok and gets better soon OP!
@hakoa I just want to echo not to spiral until tests come back. I once went to doctor for what I’m pretty sure was a spider bite reaction on my neck. He was also “sure” it was herpes. So sure that he gave me a prescription and told me not to wait until results came back. They came back negative a few days later.
@hakoa Out of curiosity, what credentials does your doc have? As both a parent and a doc, I agree w several other commenters here, that whole encounter could have been handled better.

My kids have both had terrible diaper rash that presented similarly to what you described and not once did the pediatrician mentioned HSV or abuse. Much better to have concrete info before putting a family through such mental anguish.

Hope she and you feel better soon
@hakoa Just the fact that you said it doesn't seem to be very painful makes me think it's not herpes. Herpes isn't a very painful disease, except that first breakout.
@hakoa Wow, this sounds like horrific handling by your pediatrician. I would be tempted to file a complaint. As others have mentioned, it could be HSV 1 or 2, which could be spread in a number of ways. HSV is extremely common and easily spread among caregivers and children, even cautious ones. It could also very well NOT be HSV, as there are so many potential causes. Jumping to abuse is pretty shocking and traumatizing.
@hakoa You ped sounds unprofessional for a number of reasons. I am sorry they have caused you so much anxiety. I am sure your daughter is fine. I have seen diaper rash look blister like on a friend's daughter. Just breathe and wait for results.
@leafar we’ve been told by a new doctor to wait for results Monday before treating. He said to hold off on the anti fungal because he wants a result before treating and the pimples are spreading and the rash is flaring up again. This doctor did offer some peace of mind by telling me he’s seen a lot of herpes and he doesn’t think it’s herpes, but he can’t say what he thinks it is until he has a result. So I guess we’ll know for sure monday

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